Greetings to my HealthUnblocked friends!
I thought I'd update you on what's been going on for me the last few weeks. Well, my gastric sleeve op was booked in for 30th September and my consultant talked about the diet I'd need to be on for the two weeks beforehand. The reason for it was that when they go in, thay'd have to move my liver around quite a lot. The diet was to make my liver as small as it could be so that there wouldn't be nasty bleeding.
It was a brutal diet. I wasn't allowed any - potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, alcohol - at all. And while I was cooking burger and chips for my husband and son, I had a chicken salad. For the first two days I felt like grabbing one of them by the scruff and yelling at them. They both kept a low profile! But I got used to it and the days clicked slowly by. Incidentally I weighed myself before I started the diet and then on the day of my op. I'd lost a whole stone!!
I went to the hospital on 30th and was given a hospital room of my own. When you pay for your care, it's almost like a hotel. Anyway I settled in. I was then taken down for surgery and I got talking to a nice anaesthesiologist lady who put a mask over my face and......
Next thing I remember, I was back in my room. OK, brutal honesty time. My tummy was agony, so much so that I was flailing around with my arms and legs and trying to yell out for attention, but there was nobody in my room and I couldn't actually make a sound. Once people came in they gave me painkillers and I started to calm down. But by god it was sore.
I spent a couple of nights in my room, getting up only to go to the toilet. I was only allowed to drink water in small sips all day.
I was then released from hospital home. That first night sleeping in my own bed was heaven! Nobody coming in to take my blood pressure and give me ground up tablets at ridiculous hours...
Anyway I'm still on liquids, though I can now have dilute no added sugar squash. On Saturday - wait for it - I can start to eat yoghurt, whoopi do! Oh and I weighted myself yesterday and I've now lost a stone and a half. What the...!
Anyway I just wanted to tell you guys about this. I've had to pay for it as I don't qualify with the parameters set by the NHS for their care. But I can't tell you how happy I am that it's done and I'll be concentrating on trying to feel better. Eventually I'm hoping I will no longer be walking like a poor crippled elderly lady the was I currently do! X