The UK government, which has some responsibility for sport in England, has sponsored these guidelines for concussion in sport. As a sports coach it seems useful and important.
Key points
• Most people with concussion recover fully with time.
• A concussion is a brain injury.
• All concussions are serious.
• Head injury can be fatal.
• Most concussions occur without loss of consciousness (being
‘knocked out’).
• Anyone with one or more visible clues, or symptoms of a head injury
must be immediately removed from playing or training and must
not take part in any further physical sport or work activity, even if
symptoms resolve, until assessment by an appropriate Healthcare
Professional or by accessing the NHS by calling 111, which should be
sought within 24 hours.
• Return to education/work takes priority over return to sport.
• Individuals with concussion should only return to playing sport which
risks head injury after having followed a graduated return to activity
(education/work) and sport programme.
• All concussions should be managed individually, but there should be
no return to competition before 21 days from injury.
• Anyone with symptoms after 28 days should seek medical advice
from their GP (which may in turn require specialist referral and