Hospital consultant rang hour ago to say sons lungs are filling with fluid so they are going to perform a drain procedure today.some risk involved but he will be closely monitored.he is having some problems with his breathing.poor lad is really going through it.I'm wondering how much his body can cope with..
Fluid on lungs: Hospital consultant rang hour ago to... - Headway
Fluid on lungs

I am so sorry. I will say a prayer. 🌸
This seems a regular problem with patients who aren't yet able to move freely (think the procedure is 'Thoracentesis' ?) It's basically numbing and disinfecting the injection site before using a needle to draw out excess fluid from around the lungs.
I hope it'll make your son much more comfortable D.
Have you phoned Headway yet ? (sorry to nag....) x
Havnt heard yet from hospital cat they said someone will ring.and yes!I contacted headway a nurse rang me this afternoon.they do help ease your mind.I guess I have to expect these setbacks.hopefully he will be a lot more comfortable when they release the fluid.he seemed so much better earlier in week.poor ladxx
Good girl for phoning Headway ! I really hope you'll have some promising news from the hospital tomorrow ...... keep us updated. Meantime please take care of yourself.
ps ....I hope you're not coping with this alone. 🤔 x
Hi,didn't hear from hospital so no news is good news?you know there is only me cat my husband died(cancer) years ago.ironically on sons 19th birthday..I feel a little better today.sometimes I just think I'm going to lose the plot!police reconstruction next week which I'm dreading.I'm told I need to speak with lawyer(brake)so I guess that's what I'll focus on.I'm OK going to take dog for walk and see if there's any of his doggie pals about to play with,I couldn't get him out of sons bedroom. Last night he looked really sad bless him..
Take the reconstruction at your own pace D. The police are trained to be sensitive to the emotional strain on loved ones (especially a mum) and, hopefully, it will be mostly computer centred.
It's good to hear you're having a better day although we both know it'll be a roller coaster for a while yet. I hope your walk offered some slight temporary distraction and bolstered your mood a little ; these detours are so important in staying sane and feeling less isolated.
I'm thinking of you m'love ; hoping to hear some better reports before too long... Cat x
Im sending a huge hug for "YOU" and a gentle one for ur "son".
Hope his procedure is helpful D. Thinking of you x
Our bodies are hugely resilient. Please think about looking up holistic methods to build bk up someone's immune system. I have long issues and use a range of things one is seaweed brilliant for fluid and inflammation. Chondus crispus and bladderwrack. is a great site for herbal and supplemental and stick the proper seaweed I mention above, soak the seaweed in volvic mineral water over night puree and keep in glass jar in fridge use un smoothies soups etc it and other herbs like mullein, thyme. Theres huge information on an alkaline diet dr sebi helps every illness by clearing also inflammation fluid etc build by changing diet to alkaline foods and upping water intake to flush out the system and the inflammation starts to clear out our bodies of phlegm mucus aka inflammation. We are so much stronger than we realise but we need to look outside the medical model.. to holistic health methods. All the best
Hi again, just seen this post. I hope your son is ok now? Sounds like he has a pleural effusion, quite common so don’t worry, once drained it will help his breathing. How are you doing? x
Thinking of you and your son sending positive vibes and a big virtual hug ,take care 😘😘
Glad to hear your son is now more comfortable and that those doctors jumped on the issue quickly. Hope you've managed a couple more walks with the Pup and that you too have a bit of sun wherever you are today. We have just enough to lift the spirits 😁. Keep us posted.