Feeling so upset and angry: Sorry all just need to... - Headway


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Feeling so upset and angry

Crazychickangel profile image
15 Replies

Sorry all just need to rant!

I literally don't leave the house but went out friday for 1st time in over a week with my husband and children. Seizured twice so have felt crappy all weekend and was really sick Monday night. Having mri check up Saturday and felt bunged up today so did a test this morning and it's positive! Everyone else in house is negative. I must have no immune system at all. Cant stop crying ad been waiting 6 months for mri and now had to rearrange. Feel like I can't leave the house.😪

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Crazychickangel profile image
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15 Replies
cat3 profile image

Oh that's a shame. But you've reassured me that cancelling visitors with children was a wise move for me this afternoon. I'm so nervous of catching Covid despite tales of the latest strain being 'mild'. This variant mightn't be lethal but it's still nasty...... ...and it's rotten luck for folk who rarely venture out.

I hope your 'dose' isn't too severe Cc and that the worst of it passes off in a day or two. Drink loads of fluid if you can face it and try giving in to resting and staying calm. Let us know how you're doing over the weekend m'love. Take care... Cat x

Painting-girl profile image

Oh that's so very frustrating for you Cc, so sorry, hope you feel better, and there isn't too bad a delay for your mri - is it worth letting them know that you would be willing to take an appointment at short notice of someone else cancels?

Crazychickangel profile image
Crazychickangel in reply to Painting-girl

Thank you. Managed to rearrange for a few weeks time but having to go to a different hospital.my husband has to take me everywhere as I can no longer drive x

Painting-girl profile image
Painting-girl in reply to Crazychickangel

Such a pain, I'm glad it's not too far in the future for you. I find it tough even now handling a change of plan x

Chat2U profile image

Oh no! So frustrating! What's your MRI for? Are you worried about what they'll find? Sometimes the build up to a brain scan can be intense. Hope you're OK. X

Crazychickangel profile image
Crazychickangel in reply to Chat2U

Thank you. I had a rare brain Infection 2 years ago, so its just a check up as I've been seizuring alot more even after meds increased.

Chat2U profile image
Chat2U in reply to Crazychickangel

It's good that you're keeping on top of it and getting it checked. Let us all know how you get on. X

Jowood29 profile image

Oh sorry to hear that. Rest up, you will get another mri, best get better first. Disappointing I know, it’s an anxious time for you.

Pairofboots profile image

Oh Crazy, this is the place to rant. I know what it is like to build yourself up to something like an MRI only to be thwarted at the eleventh hour. Everything is suddenly shunted, the scan, results, and possibly an improvement to treatment. In my case, the blooming car died on the day so everything shifted months. But in the end the scan did go ahead, and everything followed on. I wish you a speedy recovery 🍀

Alibongo60 profile image

Hi crazychickangel sorry you’ve caught the dreaded covid, join the club, I had it a few weeks ago to say it’s a milder strain and I’m fully vaxed it was pretty rough, it set my brain injury back to square one, having isolated in my bedroom for nearly a week my mobility was terrible, my sense of taste is still not good and fatigue at an all time low, so take it easy, and take time to recover wish you all the best love Alice xx

Crazychickangel profile image
Crazychickangel in reply to Alibongo60

Thanks Alice, hope you start feeling better soon.I just get so frustrated that I never leave the house. Went out friday fully masked and only me thats tested positive. Thankfully husband and kids fine but just feels like yet another knock when it takes so much effort to function as it is.

Alibongo60 profile image

Yes I have continued to wear mask and don’t go out so often, usually once a week shop, my daughter is deputy manager in care home and has always been extra cautious not to bring anything home, but I think it’s just unfortunate, she had at Xmas, and me and brother didn’t catch it, and then few weeks ago, me and daughter both caught it and son didn’t, so there’s no knowing really, I know I don’t want it again, it was pretty rough, stay hydrated, and get plenty of rest hope you feel better soon, on the plus side I lost a bit of weight but unfortunately put that back on now lol love Alice xx

Catperson18 profile image

Sorry to hear you are going through this. I have been so paranoid about getting Covid. Hopefully they can re arrange the appointment for you without too much of a delay.

Lite75 profile image

Oh no-how frustrating for you’ll-you’ve every right to be gnashing your teeth! My daughter has just had the same experience with a positive test meaning that a much needed operation had to be cancelled-for the third time! Sh picked it up from my grandson. Really hope they’ll give her an another appointment fairly soon. I’ve worked in the NHS all my life and it is well worth your while making some a noise about the reasons you so need it doing-sometimes it can really help. Do hope you’ll be able to get it expedited. Your GP ringing too often helps, having worked in Appointments. Better to try than letting it build up causing you even more frustration than I’m sure you’re having to deal with anyway. Do give it a shot and hope it works. Lite75

Crazychickangel profile image
Crazychickangel in reply to Lite75

Thanks Lite75 managed to rebook now for end of month but having to go to a different hospital. Hope your daughter gets her op soon.x

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