Is it just me?: - Headway
Is it just me?

Hi there, I would say only every other day. Then again when i look around at the " normal" people i thank god i aint normal anymore.
Thanks Baron. Sorry, definitely not shooting you, love the mirror you hold up!
Had a mutually incomprehensible conversation with my mother today, and a blinding headache ever since. You've just put it in context..
Oh yes, yes, yes......It's irritation with almost everyone and everything in everyday life and one which I can't reign in.
I'm even uttering sarcastic comments at newsreaders and have to mute commercials with all their dubious claims of 'New improved' - 'Better this' - 'More that' etc.... Not a trait I'm happy with.
Thank god my son & daughter see the funny side and think it's just my natural wit but, like you, I'm convinced the lunatics have taken over the asylum ! I blame BoJo for perpetuating the dumbing down and nonsensical gobbledygook.
Thank god for folk on this forum... 🤨
E. x
It proves that all the UFO sightings are true - it is the inteliigent life from another planet dropping off all their idiots onto ours.
The bad news is that they are not coming back for them !
I have always had a highly developed bs meter.
After the brain injury, it got stronger.
Maybe once you have been though so much, you get an apprwciation for the basic finer things in life - what is real, what is kind, amd what really matters. And you no longer go koo koo for things that do not matter.
So heck yes, most of them out there are crazy tunes, and society is very unwell.
Like having to buy new everything to match the colour of the year. Say what? Laughing my socks off.
Oh yes-it’s definitely everyone else on this planet who are Cuckoo and we really are the only ones sane-don’t worry, you’re in good company with all of us at HealthUnlocked!