Hello!: Hello all! I am new to the community.... - Headway


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Niamh_McGowan profile image
10 Replies

Hello all! I am new to the community. 2 months ago my mom's undetected brain aneurysm ruptured. We feared the worst but got the best. After being in an induced coma and then waking up she moved finally to a rehab hospital and is on her way to recover. During that time my dad suffered a trauma injury to his head and is still in the hospital.

I don't know which way to turn. I am in a world where I don't understand the words they say as well as me having autism among other conditions which make this all the more overwhelming. I am here to try and find other family and friends who have been along for this crazy ride and can issue me with some wise words to help me with this arduous task.

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Niamh_McGowan profile image
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10 Replies
Marnie22 profile image

Hi. I can recommend calling the Headway helpline on 0808 800 2244. They will be able to give you advice and support on all aspects of everything you mentioned. Very best wishes to you and your family.

Tracy331 profile image
Tracy331 in reply to Marnie22

I’m so sorry to hear what’s happened to both you’re parents this forum have amazing people on here to help there anytime day or night they helped me so much I wish you love and support

cat3 profile image

Hi Niamh and welcome. Please feel free to ask about anything you don't understand. There are so many medical terms we've all had to learn along the brain injury way ; I learned most of mine here on Headway.

Like your mum I had a bleed on the brain and was lucky to survive and return to my life, albeit with memory and mobility issues and severe fatigue. How is your mum doing now ? Recovery from brain injury (whether acquired as in your mum's case or traumatic in your dad's) is very slow and rarely complete.

But we adapt to any impairments in time. And life, although different, can still be good.

Maybe tell us more about the nature of your dad's injury so others can relate to it. It's a minefield when we're first faced with these issues but, as Marnie suggests, the Headway helpline is a good place for kind and helpful support and for printed information on both your parent's issues.

We're always here m'love. Don't hesitate to ask anything 😏... Cat x

Niamh_McGowan profile image
Niamh_McGowan in reply to cat3

Thank you for your reply. My mom is doing well. She took a couple of steps the other day and is now on an unrestricted diet. Her speech is still muddled and that is her biggest issue at the moment. She is getting so frustrated I wonder if her speech will ever get back to how it was before.

My dad's injury was caused when he fainted and hit his head on a stone floor. He got two fractures to his skull, three areas of bruising and bleeding at the front. He doesn't need surgery they say it will heal over time. My dad is so charismatic and energetic and funny. He tires me out most of the time. But now he is just so lethargic, with no emotions and no personality in the slightest. That's my biggest concern for him.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Niamh_McGowan

It's so upsetting seeing a love one's personality affected by brain injury. My son & daughter were distressed by changes in me in the early days after my op. Then six months later their dad suffered the same as me .....so like you, a double shock.

But your mum's progress looks good, and with time there's scope for loads more improvement. Hopefully her speech will be retrained with speech therapy and practice.

It really is early days for both your mum and your dad ; we talk in terms of months and years for reaching full potential after brain injury. Try to take things one day at a time through the following weeks/months (not easy I know) and avoid negative ideas which can be so misleading.

And look after your-self Niamh.. x

Painting-girl profile image

Oh Niamh, so sorry to hear this, this is a difficult time for you. This forum is a good place to be though, no question is too small here. Hope you find the answers and support you need.

Leaf100 profile image

So sorry to hear about this, and so much all at once!Keep a notebook if you can, write the date and a log of what happened - name of doctor seen, who for, any medical terms, etc. , if your parent said something during a visit or how they seemed that day, etc

That way you do not have to try to keep it in your head.

Also note your visits and tasks done for your family and yourself.

Thus will help you see you are doing things, and identify what you can manage and need help with.

Keep a couple pages at the back for name phone number and addresses of medical people and which person sees which.

A log can be really helpful, I have found.

And you will get help from Headway.

This forum is also here... slow and steady, you will figure it out well enough.

Take good care- remember to eat and sleep.

Best wishes to you are your family,


Pairofboots profile image

Welcome Niamh, just welcome, others have expressed the support this forum is only too pleased to offer.

Alibongo60 profile image

Hi Niamh, I like your mum had a ruptured aneurysm in 2017, I was fortunate I had memory issues, poor balance, my brain substitutes words,like I have penguins in my garden, but actually pigeons, which considering I live near Manchester can be awkward. I’m sure before discharge staff should organise a care meeting for you to see what needs putting in place to help you, you should not have to deal with this on your own. Feel free to come and ask us any questions, there are some very knowledgable and helpful people on here, lots of luck and love Alice xx

Dogsabighelp profile image

hey hi just to give you my love and support and echo all other replies made.we are all here for you.this is the best club the best people but one that none of us wanted to join sending you big hugxx

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