This is my first post following my 11 year old son's accident 6 years ago. He sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury which left him in a coma for 6 weeks and hospitalised for a further 10 months whilst he learnt to eat, speak, hold his head up and ultimately walk again. I still struggle to this day to come to terms with what happened and the impact it has had on me and my family. I'm not here for sympathy simply some signposting. He is now 17 and is desperate to make friends and do "normal" things, however, I search the internet far and wide to try to find activities for other young adults with brain injuries to do together but have no luck. There seem to be activities and clubs for young adults with Cerebral Palsy or Downs Syndrome but not for young adults with ABI. Can anyone point me in the right direction please.
Good luck to you all.