Hello everyone, I havnt written on here in awhile, my boyfriend has a hypoxic brain injury and is independent with everything but he is so bored, each day he finds more and more frustrating and boring, he is now with headway being assessed at the moment to see what help he needs, he can’t read or write very well and he feels at a loose end is there any work experience websites for brain injury in young people or is there anything he can do to help him move on in life, he is possibly applying for brain injury Paralympics next year so you can tell how active he is! He also has reading and writing help but that’s stopped at the moment, he also takes the dog out for walks on his own a lot and he also has a personal trainer in his local gym. Any help or advice greatly received to how he can make himself feel better about himself or any websites to look on, thanks
Boredom and feeling low: Hello everyone, I havnt... - Headway
Boredom and feeling low

Look at the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme, I am not sure what the age limit is but it is a great challenge for people to complete it. It would be great for his confidence.

Ok I will do thankyou x
My partner is a very talented art photographer . He has a PA via direct payment she is also an artist. They are running several photo art projects now and gaining national recognition for their work. My partners memory problems makes planning and organising difficult so she help him with this.
Having a PA as opened up a whole world of opportunity. She also helps him to do independent task in the house like put up flat pack furniture she as a reminder list so that I don't have to nag him all the time. And she supports me if he is unwell etc. You can find out about direct payments onlinel or via social services. Getting the right PA is the key they must have similar interest to your partner. It's not only the rich and famous who have PA's
Hi,things that helped me at the start of the recovery process were best put into half hour slots. And preferably things that didn't necessarily have a right or wrong way to do them. I definitely needed a daily plan.
For me cooking was a great idea. Following a simple recipe means that I also had something yummy to eat a taste the end.
Other things were sorting photos, cupboards etc.
Getting stories on cd was great. Could always go back to the place I might remember. Reading was too difficult. I player for the same reason.
Does he like anything else sporty? Yoga really helped me.
Wish someone had told me about adult colouring books.....
Sounds like he has some good support
Good luck ☺️
jess25 i draw and paint take photographs, theres a couple of ideas, you dont have to be good at it, when i started off i was crap, i still am actually!!!