As my son has no mental function brain injury.I need to act.under normal circumstances he would say don't worry I've just done 10 weeks not a harm done few broken bones..its not though is it?if he doesn't get it well I do.the pits not being allowed to hold or comfort him in the worst time when he clung to life happened for a while that's the truth.I'm told the person that put him in this place is " devastated"? He went home to family and had support.don't get me wrong this person was always made aware that my son could die,his life continues ours stops.I'm not a reader of souls nor of anything.I know I could never carry such a heavy burden.its a biggie.I will have to act no buts this time.I will chop legs off to find justice.have an army behind me..
Lawyers/ police.: As my son has no mental function... - Headway
Lawyers/ police.

Glad you have the army behind you. Things like this take there own time to get a result, but you know that they are working for the justice your son deserves.
God,I must seem like a raging maniac!just get frustrated and angry with my plight.can't get my head around how lives can be forever changed in a split second.nothing makes any sense to will I ever be able to explain this to my son?he is,mercifully unaware living in I pod land with Ramones,cold play and the prodigy( as good company as any I guess) humour remains spirit unbrokenxx
Hi you don't learn this in school, probably just as well, you'd never want to grow up?
So much of this is out of your control. It is like a jigsaw with no picture to refer to. You have to put your trust in so many others hand's.
Jen has suggested Headway and your GP, I know you feel the world is on your shoulders, but contact them they can help put some of the pieces together for you. Also consider victim support: , 24/7 helpline 08081689111 . They will help you through all the legal side, plus help you to manage the stress.
Don't worry about explaining this to your son at the moment, you can't, so worrying about it just adds to the stress. Victim support can help with that one when the time is right.
You don't come across as a maniac, raging or otherwise. You would be justified if you were, but you are a mother and you are naturally trying to get your head round a very complex situation. Don't try to do it on your own.
Most of us here have had that experience of just living and then, everything is upside down, and back to front, so we really do understand.
Think back to the story, you have only just started writing it, you don't know where the plot will take you. That is a scary place to be, but if you join forces with victim support, your GP, and Headway they will help you write the next line, and they will hold your hand through every chapter.
At the moment you are in a spin of too much information, and not enough answers. Easy for me to say, but stop the spin, take some deep breaths. You can do this, but you need help, please reach out for help.
We will always respond to you, we will support you as much as we can. You are No.1, and you need to be fit and well for your son. You can be as raving, manic as you like here.
Ian (aka, Pairofboots, professional pain, puncture repair expert - the last two I made up) x
What are you thinking of doing D? Remember you need to be in a good place mentally and physically to be able to support your son.
Have you got a counsellor or psychologist to talk to and deal with how you feel in a safe way?
Please ring Headway for support 0808 800 2244 and your GP and get help and support.
We know you are living through a truky awful time, but please keep yourself safe and talk to someone on the outside of this who can help you look after yourself. Hold onto what your son would have said to you.
Jen x
I'm fine jen really its just a tough and frustrating time we not talking about a couple of broken bones and a knock on head.sons injuries are life changing and I'm feeling the impact so to speak.most of time I'm okxx