Before my haemorrhage I used to paint a lot especially on China just for fun. Haven't since 2010 so yesterday decided I'm gonna sit in garden and paint some tiny tiles I had to match my new bedroom theme. These are what I managed to do, not bad I guess.
First time painting again: Before my haemorrhage I... - Headway
First time painting again

How very lovely what a great skill to have
Really pretty!
They are really good, I love the fact that you have just started to paint again after 10 years, another step in the right direction on your journey.
Really pleased for you
These are really good and we hope that you will keep on doing more in the future. Maybe one day you may even consider turning your skills into a full or part-time work as we are sure people would want to buy or commission your work.
Looks great. Good work and keep it up!
Lovely painted tiles. It’s really positive you have taken to the brush again. Don’t give it up, your really good. 😊
Thanks for sharing those. I really like them. This is great. Glad to see you're able to do this.
Thanks guys for all the positive feedback. I actually enjoyed doing them, i mean its just a bit of fun for me at the moment. Maybe in the future if i get better i may try sell some, see how it goes. Ive just started painting and making some small frames using anything I have around, coloured paper and buttons, anything that fits the colour im after. Its kinda fun and keeps my mind active. Also it gives me a feeling of achievement, may only be a little bit of painting but it makes me feel good. x
Don't know how I missed these when first posted. Really lovely ! x