I had my TBI back in June last year. I managed to get back to work (initially phases return) by August. I work as a gardener on a country estate. My question is are there any ways to re-enter a phased return as my symptoms have been so up and down. After the initial phased return I had a short period where I could be in nearly full time but then the headaches got worse and the constant nausea/vertigo has been really hard going. I’m currently working almost full weeks with occasional odd days off which I’m rapidly eating into my annual leave as I don’t want to add to my already bad sickness record. I did try to negotiate something with my employer but he got angry and frustrated as I currently am not the most ideal employee despite being hard working and thorough. I feel very guilty taking odd days off each week and it does help for my performance at work I just wish there was a more formal way to avoid having no annual leave left at the latter end if the year. Any tips please? I’m no work shirker I just am really struggling. Thanks.
Time off work : I had my TBI back in June last year... - Headway
Time off work

You have found exactly the same problem I have. Although, you are technically capable of doing a job there is no way,, you are physically or mentally able to keep up with more able workers.
As someone whom used to run large teams of people, having someone whom has frequent days off, used to be a pain. So I can see both sides. If I was interviewing myself for a job, I probably wouldn't employ me !
There isn't a way to ease yourself back in any more than you are doing now. However, there is a way to make it more acceptable to your boss. If I remember correctly, the disability adviser in the Job centre can arrange a compensation scheme for employers whom need to take on extra staff to cope with employing someone with a disability. It was a few years back but the scheme used to allow someone whom was say 60% capable of doing a job to have a "buddy" do the other 40%. The cost for the 40% were picked up by the job centre.
As an additional incentive for your boss the Job Centre may stump up for extra equipment e.g. a John Dere "gator" to help you get around and other "aids" to boost your productivity.