Hi folks, new to the forum any advice and support ... - Headway


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Hi folks, new to the forum any advice and support would be most gratefully accepted.

Sapper1965 profile image
18 Replies

Short Back story.

Following a bad fall at work in May 2018 when I tripped over some I.T cables in the board room and went flying into the board room cabinet and had a loss of consciousness. I sustained a mild head injury which has now been diagnosed as Post Concussion Syndrome which at some sixteen months post accident has left me battling daily symptoms of headaches, partial hearing loss to the right ear, partial vision loss in my right eye, word finding difficulties, memory issues ,depression, noise, crowd intolerances ,and a feeling that I am a different person, Jekyll and Hyde, out bursts of anger and frustration when my ability to cope with daily life is under pressure.

I was off work for six months last year ,May to October, then went back On a phased return having to use my accumulated annual leave leave to get me back on a part time basis at first for three months ,then finally worked one month full time which was a major struggle but I managed it with the help and support of my close work colleagues ,and my ever suffering wife and family.

With out warning in February this year 2019 I was notified by my employer that I was to be medically suspended from my post with immediate effect ..

I have in the past six months I have been off work attended two Occupational Health medicals which were ,three months apart , both off which recommended that I might be able to carry out a return back to work with support and suitable work place adjustments which my employer has failed to do ,or even respond to me with What their plan is for me..

I have involved my Union, as well as other support groups I am attending, working with on the apparent lack of support and interest of my employer who caused the accident and have admitted liability, but offered no support since the event. I suppose I am looking for some advice ,as to why my medical symptoms continue, how long others who have had similar ongoing symptoms, and the legal aspect of the lack of work place support.

Sorry for this being so long.

All the best.

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Sapper1965 profile image
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18 Replies
steve55 profile image

i see the name sapper, are you a vet? im ex crab.

did you have a mri scan in hospital? i understand your problem, those are my symptoms along with organic personality disorder, epilepsy and adhd.

are you on any medication.

Sapper1965 profile image
Sapper1965 in reply to steve55

Hi there Steve. Many thanks for your reply .Old Squaddie, Royal Engineers .Yes also had a scan, micro bleeds to the-brain detected following the accident. Currently on anti depressants , but not willing to take any other medication.I try my best to keep positive via mindfulness, yoga,Reiki, eating clean no transfats in my diet as well as loads of fresh green vegetables. All of the above and still feeling like some thing like crap most days...I can not believe how a simple trip accident at work has affected me so badly physically and mentally. My family have been great ,but Still I am struggling to cope with my symptoms and the way my employer has , continues to treat me..

I am sorry that you also having been having a bad time of it mate...

All the best.

steve55 profile image
steve55 in reply to Sapper1965

i refused to take anti depressants.

have you spoken to ssafa or the legion about legal representation against your employer.

Sapper1965 profile image
Sapper1965 in reply to steve55

Hi Steve.

I have not contacted The Legion or ssafa for support as I all ways thought there was some one more deserving than myself..I have solicitor involved via a claim for personal injuries but they don’t want to know about the employment side of things . I still feel angry about how this accident has affected my life and that of my family ,and the lack of joined up support from the NHS who think you are some kind of section 8 , or time waster with A head full of spanner’s for brains ..Any way my friend, I will continue to just attempt to crack on through this whole pill of horse pocky..

All the best and keep your chin up mate.

steve55 profile image
steve55 in reply to Sapper1965

do you go to your local monthly headway group

Sapper1965 profile image
Sapper1965 in reply to steve55

Hi Steve .

My local meetings are in Glasgow which is a bit of journey for me at present due to my symptoms...I have used the Headway telephone help line a few times for some support when things are getting a bit hard for me. To be honest with you ,I have always been able to hack most things in life both in Civy street and the Army,But this Thing has got me beat at present..

Any way all the best mate ,and look out for yourself as well..

steve55 profile image
steve55 in reply to Sapper1965

contact ssafa, get yourself a holiday, theyre brilliant.

Sapper1965 profile image
Sapper1965 in reply to steve55

I will give them a call next week and speak to the local ssafa Liaison officer and see what is what .

All the best mate..

Symptoms would suggest you had a brain heamorrage, take them to the cleaners

Sapper1965 profile image
Sapper1965 in reply to

Thanks for the advice and taking the time to reply to my previous notice..

All the best.

in reply to Sapper1965

I myself had a brain heamorrage,which I had coiled in January the symptoms that you show are almost exactly the same as I have, the worst being crowded places and extreme exhaustion, I really do not know how on Earth you have managed a return to work. Healing is an extremely slow process and I find myself sleeping sometimes 16 hours a day where as pre heamorrage I would happily survive on 4-5 hours sleep over day.

Futurecut profile image

Hi fella, it feels particularly cruel when something so simple has such depth. Call 3 injury solicitors. Good ones. Check the legal 500 in your area. They’ll take a quick background then come out to you and you can choose and you’ll also find out likely outcome. Some no win no fee are very good, some not so. Your employer has insurance. This is what it’s for. If your employer has admitted liability plus failed to act on professional recommendations then a legal team on board will either encourage action you are happy with or a settlement. It’s a long game but in reality it’s just a business cost. You end up just a balance deduction in a sheet unfortunately.

Sapper1965 profile image
Sapper1965 in reply to Futurecut

Many Thanks for the words of encouragement and support ,and I will consider and act on your thoughts.

Flower5 profile image

Very sorry to hear about your fall and how appallingly you’ve been treated by your employer!

I agree with contacting a solicitor, it sounds like unfair dismissal, especially when they were liable in the first place!

Hope you get a good resolution and some support with treatment

Best wishes

Hetty56 profile image

This is atrocious!! Your employers have a legal obligation to support you in every way they can., including workplace adjustments. As another post says you should take them to the cleaners. Your union will do this for you. I don’t know which union you’re with but my union is GMB and they have a very good legal service and will support you all the way. This is just so unjust it makes me angry. Also contact citizens advice - they have loads of information and will also tell you that your employers are liable by flouting workplace health and safety regulations (look on the HSE website) and have seriously broken the law. Please let us all know how this pans out

Sapper1965 profile image

Hi Hetty.

Many thanks for your and others comments and messages of support all of which I am humbled by ,and great full for the advice . I agree that their actions have been atrocious..But sadly this is just the way large local authorities treat their work force nowadays..It is the public purse that you would be and are battling against with a never ending supply of money to needlessly fight against cases like mine ,and sadly all to many other peoples as well..

Thank the good lord I am in a Union, but the advice to date they have given is that yes you might get compensation ,but that if it went to an employment tribunal you might not win or even get your job back..

All this due to negligence and basic health and safety at work..

Once again many thanks to you ,and all the lovely people who have offered words of support and guidance to myself via the forum..

Binjour profile image


I am ex RAF, leaving about 10 years ago. I was an administrative officer and during my service had the pleasure of working at Headley Court. About 3 years ago I had a cycle accident which resulted in numerous fractures and a head injury. The latter has left me coping with on going fatigue although I am still in the same job. Working at Headley Court gave me perspective and thankful that I still had 4 working limbs. I understand why you haven’t contacted any of the service charities. However, in another posting I dealt with these agencies on a frequent basis on behalf of service personnel. They are there to provide support regardless. One thing I have realised is that you have to look after yourself and take help available regardless of whether there are others who we perceive to be more deserving.

In relation to your previous employer I would pursue the the health and safety / accident angle. At present it seems that you are suspended rather than dismissed. My current employer would also request information from occupational health. The union should be asking for details as to future actions. As others have said you should be offered reasonable work place adjustments if the role is suitable. It is unlikely that your employer would want the bad publicity of poor HR practices especially as you are ex service and they have admitted liability. It wouldn’t look good in the papers.

Sapper1965 profile image
Sapper1965 in reply to Binjour

Hi Binjour.

Many thanks for taking the time for your detailed post. You Have summed up things pretty well.I am currently on a medical suspension, no contact from my employer or support as noted previously. And I agree there are other former service personnel who are worse of than myself ,and this is Avery sobering thought indeed. I am just to use the old phrase ,,attempting to soldier on..

What I am finding helpful is how others are attempting to cope, what works for them ,and trying to take some of that ,to help myself through my current predicament.

The work, legal situation will resolve itself in due course, and I will shufty along as best I can using as many supports as possible to regain my health..

As before, many thanks for your support ,and that of the other forum members over the past few days.

All the best to all..

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