Hi, on boxing day I tripped and knocked myself on conscious in the middle of the road. I suffered two brain bleeds and a fractured scull extending to the back of my ear. Eight weeks on I still have headaches, suffer chronic fatigue, I've lost my sense of smell and have a horrible taste in my mouth that makes me feel sick. But by far the worst is the dizziness and the feeling of spinning backwards off a cliff even when I'm laying down, It even wakes me when I'm sleeping. I am waiting for a ENT appointment, I really hope that they can help.🤞
Post severe head injury : Hi, on boxing day I... - Headway
Post severe head injury

So sorry to hear you are suffering so much. I hope the ENT goes well! Keep us posted x
Perhaps cawthorne pysio could help with the dizziness. It's a gradual process tj recovery
Hi thanks, being new to this head trauma forgive me if I don't know what that is, although there is a lot I have learned from this accident recently.
The dizziness was a big problem for me until I saw an ENT doctor who performed the Brandt-Daroff maneuver. It can leave you dizzy for a short while (around 10mins for me) but it's painless and only takes around 20mins. It's kept my vertigo away for over 3 years now.
Not to be confused with poor balance though ; my balance is still rubbish but I no longer start spinning every time I look upwards or turn over in bed ! Hope you get good results too.. 😐
Best wishes, Cat x
Hi Cat, thanks for your reply. The turning over in bed is my worse symptom by far, I literally cry out. It not only disturbs my sleep but everyone elses including the dog. I have learned quickly how to cope with the balance by taking things slowly.
It will be interesting to see what the response is from Ent when I get to see them.
Ren 🙂
I'm sorry about your head injury. Your ENT may do a epely maneuver on you to check out your vestibular, eye and ears. There may be lose crystals in your ear tubes that's causing your dizziness, spinning. Can i suggest looking into a concussion physical therapy clinic. For me 5 to 7 months out from my post concussion symptoms slowly got better. You will get better. God bless.
Hi Marc happy to hear your feeling better, I look forward to posting the same. Crystals might be an issue because I continued to leak cerebral fluid in the left ear for over a week after my accident. I am a little annoyed that Stoke ENT failed to request ENT appointment at Shrewsbury because it's my nearest hospital. At my Neuro clinic appointment in Stoke last week my consultant said he would write to my GP for him to request a clinic appointment in Shrewsbury. My GP has done this now so now I wait again, its frustrating.
I hope you continue to improve in your recovery, I shall post any news 🤞 soon.
Hi, I'm really glad you asked this, as the replies have interested me. My husband's TBI was January last year, and he still has dizziness and poor balance. Asked his consultant in August, he sent him to ENT, but they said there was nothing they could do. In December another consultant told him to try pills, betahistine, but he's given them up as they not working. Thanks Cat and Nackapan, I will look into Brandt daroff and epley, neither of which I've heard of. Good luck to you, My shepherd. X
So sorry to hear your husband is still suffering after all this time although I have been told that recovery is slow. I hope I have a better consultation with my Ent. I will let you know how I get on.
I too am happy to look into the recommended as it maybe able to help.
Thanks for the reply what a lovely wife you are xx
Hi there. I had a minor version of what happened to you in that I fell and hit the concrete but had a chronic haematoma which was sorted some months later. However, what I did have for ages was a nasal drip, wonky balance and I lost my sense of smell but it did come back. The bad tasete in my mouth also left. I am now left with ear "wooshing" sometimes and wonky balance but I put that down to my age of 69.
Things will just take time, so try to be patient