Here you go, lets get those in power treating us seriously and NOT as a burden...
A petition that NEEDS signing and sharing... - Headway
A petition that NEEDS signing and sharing...

Yep, put my name (wifes name) down
Oddly had a session with our MP whom is also the Shadow Defence Secretary. She was genuinely staggered by the lack of support for Head Injury survivors and family.
What really hit home to her was that many of the ex-servicemen whom have PTSD have symptoms related to percussion and vibration concussion - from explosions and transportation. A good example is this
We know Trump says some idiotic things but "I heard that they had headaches, and a couple of other things, but I would say, and I can report, it's not very serious," he said.
With US forces they 400,000 confirmed brain injuries in the last decade.
I am on the fence when it comes to Trump.
A lot of people can’t stand him and yet some folk like him.
I never used to watch news on tv, read newspapers or listen to news on radio, never have and never really will.
A lot of the time they are full of lies or scaremongering.
My nan asked me once if I watch news or read newspapers and I said no and she said “So you don’t know much about the world then”.
The short answer would be “Why do you want to know what’s going on in the world anyway?”
My yanky friend, he dislikes mainstream media too. He says mainstream media hate Trump and they demonise him.
He has said that Trump isn’t perfect. Trump has said some idiotic things but Trump does have morals and he likes that about him.
Well, Trump has legalised the growing of hemp in some states or all states which is a bloody good thing.... or did mainstream news not broadcast that little fact? It wouldn’t surprise me if they didn’t.
I found out through alternative media AKA the internet :).
Thank you kindly!
Signed & chipped in m'love….. x
No worries mate. Thanks for sharing the link to make people aware. My accident was 22 years ago. I can get away with appearing 'normal' on a good day but I suffer 'orrible fatigue daily and problems with anger management, organising, planning, sorting, prioritising, understanding both written and verbal info, short term memory problems.... Recently the Gestapo (DWP) tried AGAIN to stop my Benefits. This time due to a throw-away comment by a Doc. I had to go for an Op on my ankle and the Doc who did my Pre-Op Assessment noted that '.. the Patient claims to have suffered Brain Damage but appears OK.' And BOOM that was enough for the DWP to put me through my 3rd Tribunal... So I was more than happy to sign the Petition.