Hi there,
I'm new here, I am the Chair of Gwynedd and Mon and my name is Nicola... I have no idea what I am doing here haha
Hi there,
I'm new here, I am the Chair of Gwynedd and Mon and my name is Nicola... I have no idea what I am doing here haha
whats the problem? do you have a brain injury?
Like almost all of us....lol.😁
I think it was meant 'do not know what she is doing....here'... as in confusing or other?
I struggle to type one letter in front of another yet I am on here.
Confused and do i know what i am doing on here......half the tIme 'NO'.
Maybe look outside the box when you read these posts?!
It is what I have to do as my brain looks at so many different versions of what people say before i might find the right one.
I have avoided comments on social media as people go off on one all the time. Seems it could happen on here too?? If so i am leaving.
If I was in her position i would have probably signed off and left the group if I received a message like this.
Could I ask that people please just be careful what you type or the way you respond. Thanks for your consideration.
I just could not handle a response like this one.
I think and hope this is what you did mean though after my timid rant..lol??!
See bloody negativity and all because of a simple reply post from someone else.
Ta very.
Hi Nicola. I'm Lulu. Sometimes it takes courage to connect to a forum like this. I for one am pleased to meet you.
Hi Nicola.
Im sure you understand the inherrent vulnerability of a group like ours and why
(without information like whether you have a brain injury or are with someone who has)
You have not had the warmest of welcomes.
A bit more information would help.
Hi Nb83, My Name is Liz I had a very bad accident on December 6th 2014 when I fell down a flight of stairs suffering a TBI (traumatic brain injury ) bleed on the brain and a stroke, information like this, helps us understands you as a person with a problem. I also did suffer from a slight tremor before the accident but since the accident it so much worse and is now on both sides of my body and possibility of Parkinson in the future so says my neologist who has just told me, but I will wait until it happens. I can tell you with absolute honesty that without Headway ( this wonderful group of kind hearted people):I do not know how I would have coped as I fell into a very very deep depression as I did not know who to turn to, but in finding this amazing web page, and finding people who really do care it changed my thoughts as I realised that other people,were suffering the same kind of problems and EVEN so much worse. Some days just reading 📖 their comments about their struggles through life and their difficulties fill my heart so much so please give us a chance and try again. With Love Liz x🌹P.S My brain works slowly and words are not always put down as I wish them to be but I will continue to do my best God Bless and please try again Liz x
Nicola Brown is headway chair of Gwynnedd and Mon. MSC in neuropsychology Bangor Uni.
ABI survivor with a passion for helping others. Twitter feed. ( quick search on google)
Hi Nicola, I have no idea what I’m doing here either. But the warmest of welcomes 😘😘 xx
Hi Nicola welcome
Apologies everyone this health unlocked thing is new to me and a bit confused by it all. I can see that things have been deleted?! I am a brain injury survivor I had a stroke when I was 24, took out my vision, I had two small babies at the time. Now I am the Chair of Gwynedd and Mon, I also am studying for my masters in brain injury.
There you are! Glad you came back! I'm in total awe of your determination to study for a Master's Degree in Brain Injury! How's that going? x
It's very nice to meet you! Going excellent till today
I've passed everything apart from stats, I got 49% pass mark is 50%, but my brain injury turned me into some kind of Lion lol, I will dispute the mark as the bit of damage I have is located in the place that processes numbers you see, this means I have dyscalculia, therefore reasonable adjustments should apply, I can see uni now "oh god here she goes with the equality act!" LOL. I hope to do my PhD in brain injury studies, on social isolation and peer support. Because that is what I do, my headway family are my family now, they mean the world to me, and god help anyone who upsets them lol xx
Hi Nicola and welcome.
Passing stats at undergraduate level, is challenging even without a brain injury!
I suspect your sense of humour gave you the strength to successfully navigating the hurdles of tertiary studies.
All the best with attaining your Doctorate in Brain Injury.
Won’t happen overnight, but it will happen!
Thank you. My stroke happened to be in the maths part of the brain too, which is just great :/ I have really struggled with the advanced module. Sat in tears behind my glasses, the lecturer cannot see my struggles "right in front of you" I can't see numbers without assistance. They have just said they'll grant me the 1% (I think its rather than me making a massive fuss) cause I will.... xx
Hi Nicola, welcome to the forum 🙂