I had a severe brain injury 15 years ago , been to University etc ; I am fine educationally but socially I struggle. All my friends have moved on but I'm still here. I have since had a Transplant and really want to grow my social network. Anyone got any advice for local groups where I can meet people my own age to socialise?
Hello first post , bit nervous I hope its ok. - Headway
Hello first post , bit nervous I hope its ok.

Hi trevans and welcome.
Not knowing your age bracket or interests it would be general thoughts.
My guess is that you aren't especially interested in a headway group if you have one locally.
If that is the case then pop along to the library or use the net to find out what's going on in the area.
Joining an existing group can be great for your social confidence and can lead to friendships being formed.
Keep in touch and let us know how you get on.
Voluntary work is a good place to start. You will meet like minded people
Meet up and City Socialising are social groups that are open to anyone . When I moved to a new area I knew no one other than my outlaws . Both these groups were a social life line. I made life long friendship through them and had lots of fun. Look them up on line.