Just need a quick vent.....
Today I had a steroid injection in my thumb at my local hospital. Very efficient lady did it, very little pain, very pleased. I won't bore you with the details, but I had to explain to her that I have great difficulties with organising my thoughts, remembering stuff, planning ANYTHING etc. (All the executive functioning stuff.) I had mentioned that I get help from Headway and that it is over three years since my injury. I realise that she was trying to be helpful, but when she suggested that I could try writing a list.......... I just couldn't believe that she would assume that I hadn't tried that. In three years.
Sorry, I know she was trying to be helpful, but I do actually still have my intelligence. I have come across a lot of people who assume that anyone with a brain injury is somehow stupid. It also works the other way in that I get lots of people who don't believe I have a brain injury because I can (usually) string a sentence together.
If you have managed to read this, thanks! Just had to share it with people who understand.
Thanks, I feel better for doing that! 😀