I had a head operation 7 yrs ago Jan 2012 cos they found a tumour at the front of my head lucky for me it was benign but the docs had to remove some of my brain and skull as it was attached to it but replaced skull with titanium plate since then i've been getting really severe headaches, i've been for numerous M.R.I's but no doc has told me wat the **** is going on plus in Sept 2012 i fell in the aura swimming pool and badly hurt my right wrist on thumb side, i tore ligaments and tendons in my hand i went for x-ray but nothing broken still no doc has looked into it as to why my wrist is really sore, me, myself think i have Dr Quervain's Tenosynovitis cos it really hurts when i do finkelstein test.
2012: I had a head operation 7 yrs ago Jan 2012 cos... - Headway
Hi Juicy and welcome.
I see that you are new on the forum.
Please give headway a call and chat with them. The contact details are on the right hand side of the page in a pinned post.
We are here and are a great big family so feel free to join in.
The people on the helpline are fantastic.
Did you know that there are lots of leaflets you can download from the website.
Hi Juicy and welcome. I too am plagued with headaches (migraines & standard) since my BI and also awaiting specialist consultation for Tenosynovitis in the thumb/wrist/fingers, so you have my sympathy.
I wish I had some answers for you but can only suggest you keep plugging away for treatment. I can't tolerate Nsaids, so only have Paracetamol or CoCodamol for the headaches,...… but they might work for you.
Also, I had Corticosterone injections for the tendon issues but stopped owing to side effects so, again, it might be something you could consider ?
It's rough at times I know, so keep on at your GP for referrals. Good luck m'dear. Cat x