I am feeling pleased with myself in several ways. I left my previous job mid 2018 after my fall and subsequent subdural haematoma and once I felt better I started looking for part time work. I landed a new job at the very end of the year and started in january. As my new job had a Head Office in Australia I was asked to go over a week ago. The flight is 3.5 hours and apart from a few small panic feelings mid flight, it was a breeze. I knew it would be OK to fly but still felt trepidation about it.
My working days were very long in Sydney but I got through OK. SO there is always hope for some form of normality. Having said that I am conscious that I had very few symptoms after my fall so in many ways I was lucky.
I am not as well as I was before my fall but my main symptoms now are mild tiredness from time to time and some days I feel more "onto it" than others. I wish you all well.