Miss my hubby!: My loving hubby of 14yrs had a... - Headway


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Miss my hubby!

Guinea-fwrog profile image
9 Replies

My loving hubby of 14yrs had a stroke eight months ago. It presented as sudden sight loss one Saturday morning (in the middle of a lovers tiff) half hour later massive pain kicked in. He thought it was an ocular migraine and went to bed. He slept through the whole bank holiday weekend and behaved wierdly when he woke. By Tuesday the pain had gone but he had lost half his visual field. We sought medical attention, got passed from pillar to post, eventually diagnosed an (infraction?- can't spell! )/ stroke on Thursday. He spent one day in hospital and was sent home.

His post stroke fatigue was huge and when he wasn't at (part time) work he slept for 6 months. The stroke team visited us, my only concern was how tired he was. I missed him, so did our four children. He lost his high powered job in this time period, they 'laid him off'. But I know it's because he was unable to do it anymore.

I became exhausted juggling my work, childcare, running the house & compensating for him not being around. About two months ago he decided to fight his fatigue and try to be more like he was pre stroke. He hadn't regained his sight and has had his driving license took off him. A huge blow but at least he was well!

At first I was delighted to have him up and about, but his mood & behaviour is SO difficult to deal with, I wish he would just go back to his room and stay there- permanently. He snaps at the kids, gets angry, has no empathy. Is unreasonable and self centered when I explain how his behaviour is unfair. He has no motivation and has to be told what to do. (But hates to be told/asked/reminded by his wife) on the other hand he is very clingy, afraid to be alone, wants to 'help' with everything. He literally follows me from room to room, waiting outside the loo! When I get frustrated with him, he then beats himself up for having a stroke and has a bit of a melt down. He got himself a simple job at a garden centre three days a week and I take him to work and back, but it still totally exhausts him.

He suffers with headaches, and other health issues, the GP's have been quite unhelpful. They say keep taking paracetamol, they've tried him on different anxiety pills - which don't work. His blood pressure is getting higher when it was always low. I feel that no one understands and his problems are not being dealt with. I'm so worried for his health. Something massive & life-changing happened to him and there is no acknowledgment. Even my friends think I'm moaning about nothing.

I have been trying so hard to care for him and keep some sense of normality for the kids, but last week end, when I opened up to him about how I was feeling and he had no reaction other than ' he couldn't help having a stroke and it's not his fault'- repeatedly. I lost it, started screaming and punching the walls - all with my school age kids in the house - I am so horrified at myself! Thankfully I got out quick and ran to a friend's house.

It's a wierd situation I find myself in. He's not the man I married, I love him, but he's ' lost' somewhere inside that head of his. I miss him, the kids miss him. He understands things aren't right with him. It's so sad. I wish I could peep into the future & see if this gets better. If in years to come we can make light of it together over a bottle of wine.

And I hope and pray I have the strength to stick this out.

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Guinea-fwrog profile image
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9 Replies
Angelia1234 profile image

Im sorry. Its so hard. My story is different but similar. You came to the right place for support.

Kathykathy profile image
Kathykathy in reply to Angelia1234

Unfortunately so many similarities to so many stories including feeling alone and no help support or understanding especially from the medics. You have taken the positive step to let it all out in here where people know and understand first hand. I'm so sorry for yet more lives destroyed to a life changing event the whole family are suffering we have all been there.You are not alone in here so vent away.

cat3 profile image

Adapting to the new person we become after a brain injury is a massive challenge for both ourselves and our families ; one which can be exhausting and frightening for everyone involved in the early months, and with no signs of hope for the future.

But it's a massive learning process we must undergo individually, at our own pace and in our separate ways, until we all eventually reach a common goal of compromise and acceptance. I reached my 'plateau' at around the three year point after learning lessons such as how to manage fatigue, loss of short term memory, emotional lability, headaches and reduced mobility etc...…....

My family also went through the painful process of letting go of the energetic and fun loving mum they'd known all their lives and the 'replacement' by someone more withdrawn and unfamiliar. But the passage of time allowed for many adaptations and actual improvements...………… 'til we finally landed somewhere we all recognise, and are now closer than ever.

If verbal communication remains difficult, it might be that your man is still struggling with the changes in his brain, and with neurological limitations/barriers it'll be doubly hard for him to fight his way back.

If you haven't already done so, please phone the Headway helpline on Monday for some extra support and advice. Calls are free on 0808 800 2244 (office hours).

I really feel for you m'dear ; living with a changed (& often difficult) partner is life-changing and exhausting, especially with children to care for. Hugs & best wishes, Cat x

Guinea-fwrog profile image
Guinea-fwrog in reply to cat3

Thank you cat3. I think I need to learn to accept the new hubby and find ways to manage. Videos on headway site are fab, shared some with hubby. Helped him realise there are others like him. Shared relevent video's on fatigue & how carers are affected by ABI, with close friends - think it gave them a 'light bulb' effect of proper understanding- and they have changed their attitude to my requests for help. I also phoned my local (ish) branch- they were SO lovely- & plan on attending the next carers meeting. You have helped me realise there is a better way, and that it's early days still. Thank you hun. I'm gonna soak up all the advise I can get. Knowledge is power isn't it?

steve55 profile image
steve55 in reply to Guinea-fwrog

maybe like me, your hubby might find solace in going to a headway group and being with people who are in a similar situation and for you to meet people who put up with us.

this unfortunately is an all to familiar story.

Charente profile image

So sorry. I’m struggling with issues like you after my husband had an haemorrhagic stroke. So many similarities. Also understand what you mean by ‘I miss my my ‘old’ husband . ‘

Also have screamed at the moon.

We ve had so much inspiration and support here , I’m sure you will too. I feel we’re moving forward now. Progressing, healing. It is a slow pace. Hope you find a way forward soon. 💕💕

Guinea-fwrog profile image
Guinea-fwrog in reply to Charente

Thank you for your message of hope, I have seen that many relationships don't weather the storm of ABI. And I don't ever want to give up on him but can't see how I can continue much longer as it is.

Lifted my spirits to hear that you've made progress! Well done with your patience and love!

eddstjohnoneday profile image

i think love i no how hard it is but just reading your post

i can see that you love are doing your best im proud of you

and ill say a prayer for u to reach that goal you will be having a glass of wine with your husband the best advice i could give is the helpline angels

are there for you and they are the nicest people and full of knowledge

wise hug eddie x

Guinea-fwrog profile image
Guinea-fwrog in reply to eddstjohnoneday


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