Hi I'm new on here my partner as just recently come out of hospital after having neoursurgery after her aneuryms burst in her brain been home 4 weeks now she's been very emotional and her sight is blurry she's had her eyes tested they said it cause there's blood behind the eye is there anyone on here going or as been through this
Little advice : Hi I'm new on here my partner as... - Headway
Little advice

Hi after my sah due to burst brain annurism I ended up blind due to pressure in head going on to give me Terson Syndrome and resulting in 2 eye haemorrhages which deposited splattered blood on my
Retinas and formed blood clots. They say for some this may clear after time for me it did not so had to have 2 eye ops called vitrectomies to remove clots. My retina cells are damaged so have various eye sight issues including brain messages to eyes.I am now partially sighted this is a very difficult medical area with little knowledge it seems, advice or help. If I can tell you any more detail let me know, but this may not be just the blood there at present which again not all eye surgeons are capable of performing vitrectomies but other aspects coming into play on sight.
As I have been told , four weeks isn’t long enough to recover from aneurysms and as your partners had burst it will be quite some time before she is any better . Not the news you want but I’ve felt the same since June . Hope things get a bit better . Baby steps, I can walk in the house now which I couldn’t before . Have to take a lot of time but I get there eventually . All my best wishes , Shona
Yes she can walk around and stuff it's just the blurred vision that stops her going outside
I am blurred in my right eye since the second procedure. I hope my appointment comes soon for the first check up . Should be December. I’ll let you know what’s what . Think I’ll get an MRI and MRA
She's got an appointment with the eye specialist Monday then her first appointment with her neurosurgeon Thursday next week
Hi there. I haven't got an aneurysm but did suffer a 'stroke mimic' in 2016 as a result of having an AVM. I had double vision at first and it remained blurry after that for a little while. But fortunately it did clear up on its own, just took a while, and is back to normal now. I do notice a gradual deterioration but not sure if that is just age-related.
I had my SAH in August and went to the optician for regular checks. My vision was blurred slightly but it has settled with time. Apparently it takes 6 months. i do hope she recovers
Not sure if I replied in posts or if it went to private messages