Living with a Brain injury means real support is needed, a real drop in centre in an actual location like Bournemouth Pier. I am a little bit disappointed that Headway has completely failed to support me and other brain injury survivors by not supporting the Headway Advice Together Service on Bournemouth Pier which I am committed to open. Honestly, proper support is needed, not just a phone number or a website!
People need real support, not just a phone number. - Headway
People need real support, not just a phone number.

A phone number reaches far more people than a drop in centre in Bournemouth, thats a long way from Manchester!
Just saying.
Very true, we need drop in centres everywhere, millions of people are affected by Brain Injury and the more we raise awareness the more we can help.
I really agree with you about support, like others I had a head injury on the in May 2014.
I was diagnosed with post-concussion. But still suffering from all the problems that comes with it still. Never seems to end head pains headaches and emotional problems. I found it very hard to get any support or help at all, finally went to a headway meeting and got some support.
Even better now there is a Headway called Holywell Flintshire, went to their first meeting on the 10th September. It was really good to meet others who have similar problems, who understand what I’m going through. There is no support in our county of Flintshire, or in North Wales. Most GP’s don’t understand what’s going all and give you not help at all the Headway Flintshire Branch said their goal is to try and raise funds to have a drop-in centre.
If anyone is interested next meeting is on the 14th November 10am till 12pm. They are going to meet every 2nd Wednesday of the month, at Holywell Town Council Offices Bank Place CH8 7TJ. Next to Holywell Tesco, the council Offices are in a row of cottages in Tesco’s car park. Hope this is of interest to someone, if you think it is please pass it on.
i consider myself lucky to have a monthly group.
through that i have made very close friends. i look forward to our meetings.
as long as groups like these are kept open, then surely the phone is just as important.
It makes me realise how lucky in our area we are. The support and activities that our local headway gives us is great.
Funding is always a problem but we are lucky having our own charity status.
Hi. I the same. I join the headway in town. They used me for good ideas, lies with me, still used me. They look after the crap staff not the people who want a support. I never trust the committee in my group. I complain about it a year ago. Still waiting for my questions be answers. They barred me on a message group because I asked a question and tell the truth. Still waiting to back on the group messages. Somebody posted rude joke but he still on the messages and on the committee. My family offer room, printing and more. My family run a different chairty so I know how to run a chairty. The trustees don't live in the town so the not professional committee run the group. HeadwayUK help me but they training staff (pay) how to be professional before my complaint sorted. To me the staff should have warning. That staff have lies to me about the help, I was so scared after my brain injury when I join the group because a poor treatment from another group. I've was down and the pay staff come in my house and lies with me and my sister about a law. I have a party for them which the staff say they be there, she never turn up so it was embarrassing when you have professional people in your party. I give them shops, pub, two rugby tream to talk about headway and leave a box to collect money. Pay staff did not phone back so I look like a ???? The same staff breaching my confidentiality aswell some people tell me what she does. She should feel ashamed. NO .... she text me that she doesn't want to fall out with me. Sorry she will never be a friend. It a joke!!!! I'm still waiting for the answer. It not HeadwayUK but when somebody who treat people like that then don't pay them. I know volunteer with more knowledge then her. 😕😠😠😕

Hi SaveOurNHS
We have been trying to contact you for a number of weeks to discuss your plans, however we've been unable to get in touch. I've sent you another private message so please do reply.
Headway operates a network of 127 support groups and branches across the UK, providing a wide range of services. People can search for their nearest on our website, at
We do recognise that there are gaps in the areas we cover, so we work hard to provide support to everyone and are always keen to speak to people who want to help. To protect our members and ensure we're providing the best possible service, we do need to be involved in any new organisation that uses the Headway name, so I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best wishes and thank you for your support.
HeadwayUK is great but some town headway is not good. People should know how to run a chairty before they hurt people. After my complain I offer to open another group, who know what to do and already have a lot to help. If HeadwayUK want to look after the staff well what can professional people can do? It's CRAP to have so much lies from the group. The reply from the complaint was full of lies again. Who does this should not working with people.
Hi cj-195,
So sorry to hear about your experience. Please don't hesitate to contact us at any point to talk it through, we are here to help in any way we can and will look into your issues.
Best wishes,
Hi Andrew I hope you are OK and still strong. I wish that headway will think about the people with brain injury. In my town think about the staff. They lies so much. If you run a chairty you think that people will trust them. Not in my town. I've been complaining for a year still waiting for answers. Will I have a answers???? I was bring up to the the true. I never trust the staff in my town. HeadwayUK have been here because of this complain. Is not good when the boss don't look what the group do and don't be intouch with the people. Is OK to go forward until the group who was there for me then lies. No wonder the mental health services are so busy when the group treatment is crap.
I agree. Headway do a decent job but it just doesn’t stretch to where it’s really needed - on the ground. There are no groups near me unfortunately which I think would really help. I offered to volunteer for Headway a few years ago, applied online and they just ignored my application! That’s pretty poor in my book, to not accept a BI survivor asking to help them for free!