Because of headway group. They say I go think a brain injury but never seen anybody after. No brain team. I have a speech team who was great but no help from headway with money problems or phone people for me. My headway it meet people, no helping. I've offered them so much, ideas and time. I not the only one in my group. I still waiting someone to text and phone me from headway. ??????
Confusion : Because of headway group. They say I go... - Headway

Headway like most charities struggle to receive funding, as each group as to gain it's own funding what you can reasonably expect from them varies greatly.
At the moment it's particularly difficult, as there's no money out there, most voluntary agencies are having to cut back on the service they're able to provide.
A friend is a part time employee, 20 hours, for a local Headway group and she's is one of two part time employees. In my opinion it would take at least four full time posts to provide the service someone may expect.
Having said that most Headway groups should have a good working relationship with the local Neurological Rehabilitation service.
However it's likely that being able to see the Neurological service, it has to start with a GP referral.
You mentioned speech therapy, so you may already be receiving specialist Neurological help.
Many CABs are still able to give Benefit and Money advice, although the same funding issues so again the service across the country is very patchy.
I'm sorry you feel let down Cj. Sadly, services everywhere are fighting to keep up at present so it's not surprising that many of us are struggling with lack of care.
It's becoming increasingly difficult to access any form of aftercare, but do ask your GP for a referral to a neurologist. An appointment can take up to a year to come through, but when it does you'll be able to discuss your issues and receive suitable treatment & therapy.
Please make an appointment with your GP to get things underway. Good luck Cj................ x
Now I've lost some reply.
Sealiphone why you can write big reply when my reply for you is very short. I was telling you about me know about getting money. My x.partner and my son write for money for charity. They and me offer so help for headway but headway don't want it. I have a list what I try to do for headway. If you are the seal singer you are great come back. Hahahaha
To receive professional help about your "Headway head" ask your GP to make a referral to the Neurological service.
I wouldn't expect any Headway having the ability to provide such a service, although I would expect any Headway to be able to set up groups where you can talk to other people who have experienced your problems.
Sometimes just speaking to someone who understands can make someone feel much better
You may not want to tell everybody where you live but if you send a personal message to me, I'll try my best to find an agency, that may be able to help you.
Sorry I wish. Like you see my message not great. I don't how to message private. If I knew I'll definitely message you.
Sealiphone What a lovely thoughtful thing to offer to do. I have to say when I spoke to Headway they gave me fantastic advice and saved me from potentially wasting a lot of money. It's such a shame they have to struggle for funding given the how helpful they are. Rachel x

Not where I from. The people in the group are so very nice. The rude from our group is so very poor.
I'll send one to you and then you may find it easier to reply.
Sorry I can't understand. I've have a list to complaint about headway. So if you get a manager to agreed to talk. I feel so let down so untill somebody can listen that say headway don't care.
Sorry for your concerns c j. I may have got this wrong but you seem to to want help with your bi.
Headway is a wonderful charity but like others have said the level of help differs around the country.
As I see it their main aim is to help guide you in finding help to adjust after a bi. This varies from person to person also. Unfortunately they have no magic wand to put you right but try their best on limited funds to help and advise you.
It is also frustrating when offering help and advice to Headway for it seemingly not to be acted upon. Once again this may come down to funding.
The best ideas sometimes cannot be implemented due to staffing and funding.
I hope you get the help you seek.

Hi cj-195,
I'm very sorry to hear about your problems getting support from your local Headway.
Can I suggest you get in touch with our national helpline on 0808 800 2244 or please?
If you explain the problem I'm sure they'll be able to help you speak to someone at the group.
Best wishes,