My daughter suffered 3 bleeds on the brain, and is in southampton general hospital in the nueroligical ICU in a coma. Been trying to find what benefits her partner can claim but no help at the moment
help: My daughter suffered 3 bleeds on the brain... - Headway

Am so sorry to hear that your daughter is in a coma in hospital having suffered 3 bleeds on the brain. This is a very worrying and difficult time for you and her partner. Unfortunately as your daughter is still in hospital she would not be entitled to any benefits yet. Whether her partner is entitled to claim anything will depend on his/their income. I would suggest that he contacts citizens advice to make an appointment as they will be able to go through his financial situation and advise if there is any benefit he can claim. It is difficult financial circumstances that many of us find ourselves in during the time in hospital and subsequently. But everyone situation is different so it is not as straight forward as to be able to say he could e.g apply for income support, that your daughter should still be being paid via statutory sick pay etc. Alternatively if you go onto the benefit section of the government website it helps guide you through what he maybe able to claim.
your daughters in a coma in intensive care that should be your first concern.
Steve, none of us has a clue what other people's needs are, and even in serious health emergencies folk need finances to live.
Surely an apology is due to Ozzy ?
Oh cat you are such a lovely sensitive person and I do agree with you but I also feel for Steve , it’s so hard to control my thoughts coming out because my immediate thoughts were the same .ozzys post did read like the money was more important than the health issue . My family had to raise hundreds of pounds visiting me 120 miles away when I was in her position, even the car parking cost £500 over 4 months . Health is far more important than money xxx
cat i have a soft spot for you, you are such warm lovely person, but im sorry i cant bring myself to apologise to this person, my thoughts are with his daugher.
who knows in several months time, when shes well again you never know,
Steve, sometimes health and practical matters collide, What I'm seeing is someone who has already lost his wife and daughter, and with another seriously ill daughter, trying to cope with all aspects of the situation and needing advice.
He needs (and deserves) all the support we can offer.
She is my concern also her children are my concern, me and her sister and brother are her only family. Her sister died her mother is dead and she has no grandparents alive. so you will see alot of loved ones have died and i deal with it in my own way.
Ozzy, please try the link below for information on availabilty & eligibility for all types of benefit :-
Best wishes, Cat x
Ozzy, please ignore Steve's comments. If you're lucky enough to have a Citizen's Advice centre which advises on benefits (many have stopped this service) they're the people to talk to. Otherwise please phone the Headway helpline on 0808 800 2244 before the weekend.
So sorry to hear of your daughter's predicament.
Regards, Cat........
So sorry Ozzie to hear about your daughter,we mothers are very practical people as well as loving and caring ; releasing the stress on the financial side of having a loved one in hospital is also a practical way of helping and necessary when you have money issues .
I wish you luck in finding help in this issue and a swift recovery for your daughter,please let us know how she gets on and come back for support as the majority of us here will give you that support but please remember that some here have filter issues due to their brain injury.
I can't offer any advice, can only point out how highly regarded Southampton's Neuro Dept is - I was transferred there and by all accounts for good reason (spent a month there before coming back to Poole General).
You seem to have your priorities spot on - wishing you the best of outcomes x
If you're lucky enough to have a CAB who're able to give advice they should be able to help regarding benefits and financial issues. Having said that I know many bureaux, struggle to provided the service, due to funding problems.
Some agencies provide advice in their local hospital, it's also worth checking if your son can access a local Welfare Rights service.
I believe Headway may be able to give advice on their helpline if there is no advice service available in your area.