Unmanageable pain and double vision post coil embo... - Headway


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Unmanageable pain and double vision post coil embolization of aneurysm, is this common?

Martha2 profile image
5 Replies

Hello everyone, thank you again for answering my questions prior to this coil embolization procedure. Upon waking up from the procedure, I had double vision and unbelievable, unmanageable pain that I am still fighting. Unfortunately, we are 18 days post-surgery, via angiogram through my artery vs open brain. I have a very high pain tolerance and I never expected to be in this much pain, never. The only way the hospital could manage the pain was morphine and oxycodone together, but they will only allow one of these medicines at time, at home for safety reasons. I have discussed going back into the hospital to manage the pain, but I just don’t know……

I have seen my Eye Doc and I have significant differences in my left eye (the aneurysm is behind that eye, and resting on part of the optical nerve). Had to add new prisms vertical and horizontal and increase strength and something else too, none of these things were there 3 months ago at the time of my yearly exam or prior to surgery. I also have a new, what I call a blue submarine in the bottom left corner of my eye, which moves with my eye that is new as well. The Eye Doc said that the double vision or he called it “ghosting” is new and unsure why this is occurring. He did order new lenses for my glasses, to try to see if they help but he was not sure if they would.

The neurosurgeon seemed to have “no clue” why all of this is happening. The Doc’s medical assistant keeps saying that people never feel the brain aneurysm so I should not be feeling anything different. Well, I have felt this brain aneurysm since 5/2015 and from prior CT has been there since 2/2014 and not diagnosed till 8/3/17. If I felt it prior to the surgery, I expected some pain post-surgery, but not this not a 10 out of 10 all the time. I have a follow up with the neurosurgeon tomorrow, and am hopeful for a path to go on to find out why I am in this pain, so we can treat the cause so I can get out of it, but I just don’t know.

Is this double vision, a funky image and uncontrollable pain common after this procedure? Does it go away? I am truly wishing I never had this surgery, it has made my life miserable. Thank you for your help in advance. Bear Hugs!

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Martha2 profile image
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5 Replies
cat3 profile image

Pain and double vision are common after a coiling procedure Martha. I took maximum doses of painkillers for 6 weeks until the headaches began to subside. The double vision corrected itself within 4 months, although I had issues with peripheral vision for around 6 months.

I hope your neurosurgeon can give you answers tomorrow which will put your mind at ease.

18 days is early days for inflammation and nerve pain to settle considering the intrusiveness of inserting a metal coil into such a sensitive organ. Mine settled fine and I was able to return home after 8 weeks.

I hope your pain will start to ease off soon m'dear.

Best wishes, Cat x

Martha2 profile image
Martha2 in reply to cat3

THANK YOU!! I was starting to feel like I am the "unusual case", and to know this is common, helps me sooooo much! I just need to talk to the Doc about this more tomorrow and find out if it is common why is making it sound like it is not. Thank you for easing my heart and worries! Consider yourself hugged from Portland, OR USA. :O)

Elizab1kay profile image
Elizab1kay in reply to Martha2

Hi good morning

I want tell you that the pain after aneurysm surgery is very common when I had mine done it’s took several weeks to settle down take lots and lot of rest will help

All the best

lcd8 profile image

I have an AVM which is something like an aneurysm. As well as this one I use a forum specifically for this condition. One thing I have learnt is that every case is entirely different and it is impossible to predict which people might be left with symptoms and which won't. I really hope yours will get better soon. All the best.

twicker profile image

hello just wondering how you are now and if you are still in pain n?

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