Hi my partner has an aim to come home in December, how soon should I start sorting out a care package?
Care package: Hi my partner has an aim to come home... - Headway
Care package

Speak to them where he is now. At my rehab unit they would have put all that in place for me if I had wanted one. They organised my wheelchair, and my physios also I got a phone call from a neurological nurse who did care in the home to be sure I was ok, she visited to be sure I didn't need help. They also organised banisters to be fitted to make my stairs safe for me.
So ask xxx ok, they should be able to help, plus it will be quicker if they do it.
I was only in rehab 5 weeks toal, cos I signed myself out!!!, but it would have still been there for me
Janet xxx
Hi Sue, M's care package was sorted by the social worker and council occupational therapist working with the rehab home. They started working on a plan about now for a return home at Christmas. Some of it will depend on how many hours support and what adaptations are needed. M has 63 hours a week so the care companies had to recruit. The building works took about 2 months to arrange and coordinate.
Hope that helps
Wow I can't believe it takes so long to sort and how much effort. I'm going to ask at the next meeting this month, they should have a better idea of when then. The last meeting, the aim was for December, near Xmas. X
It really depends on what's needed. We had to have a new boiler, complete revamp of the bathroom including stealing space from one of the bedrooms, stair lift and a new wheelchair path in the garden. It also took time for the social worker to find a care agency who could recruit before Christmas. We were lucky - otherwise I was going to kidnap M from the rehab centre for the day! How's Alan getting on with the rehab unit?
Wow that's a lot more to sort then I thought, in fact I'm not sure what I expected :-| . I'm beginning to wonder if he will make it home now, for Xmas.
He's doing really well, he's on full but textured meals and I have just found out tonight, his Rigg feed will be stopped on Monday, its small but brilliant steps forward. His physio is going well, he's only been at rehab for 7 weeks and when he arrived, they said he was bent like a banana and stiff, now, with help, he can walk a few steps. His voice is back to normal and his memory is slowly reorganising itself . Considering they wanted to withdraw treatment, I think he's doing pretty well and proving them wrong. X
That's so good to hear. I would ask the council what they have in mind. The ot was fab and helped with sorting out which builders to use. She was able to suggest companies who they'd worked with and who knew what to suggest for wet rooms and showers etc. I didn't have a clue, we'd only bought our house about six months before the accident and had rented before then so house improvements were new to me! We had to pay for it all but the advice and guidance was really helpful. Some of the things that they suggested early on in the plans ended up not being done as M improved enough in the last two months. We'd been planning on widening doors to allow wheelchair access throughout the ground floor but ended up not doing it as M was able to walk round the house using a stick when he first came home. So advice would be to ask for help, especially when it comes to adaptations and equipment and try and make sure that the fixes can be reversed without too many problems as things improve.
Hope it all goes well