Headache Relief Needed: I suffer with a severe... - Headway


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Headache Relief Needed

becky41060 profile image
17 Replies

I suffer with a severe headache which tends to last 3 days, does anyone know of something that alleviates them, bar an axe...

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becky41060 profile image
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17 Replies
RogerCMerriman profile image

sadly not a simple answer, depends if its neurological or other, mine tend not to last days now, only a day or so now and then. nothing ever touched them but your millage will vary.

i.e. depends on what sort of headache and you.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to RogerCMerriman

I can't echo it enough but deep inhilations of frankincense essential oil is good for headaches and the brain in general... And it is natural too :).

RogerCMerriman profile image
RogerCMerriman in reply to Matt2584

Afraid I can't stand the smell of most of these oils makes me feel queasy! But if it works for you great!

Ghost-on-point profile image

I Live with a variety of them... All that came to mind was a sky dive & bedroom Olympics :)! Not had either recently....... I just seek a Dark room when mine arrive. Hope you find a Better doctor than me ;) Sorry I've been skateboarding & drinking. Normally lock myself in for days.. Get well.

Navillus profile image

They sound like migraines if lasting a few days and very bad. I have to go dark room and take strong headache tablets if I leave it too long they last much longer. I become very light sensitive so retreat to somewhere quiet and dark. I empathise they can make you feel dreadful. Some I know say feet in warm water with cold on back of neck - doesn't help mine

cat3 profile image

Plenty of fluid to keep your brain hydrated (water's best but weak tea's fine too). I take Codeine, and find a walk can help, unless the pain is too awful ; walking encourages breathing more deeply which creates a better oxygen/carbon dioxide balance.

Of course migraine's another matter and my only option is a dark, quiet room 'til the sickness eases enough to take pain killers.

If you can remember what precedes your headaches you might take note so you can avoid possible triggers in future.

Oh, and researchers have discredited he axe method ! 😌 xx

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to cat3

Hi Cat,

I can't echo it enough but deep inhilations of frankincense essential oil is good for headaches and the brain in general... And it is natural too :).

Interesting to hear you talking about oxygen. You are right about going for a walk or even getting outside in the fresh air. Before I even knew about the wonderful frankincense I used to treat my headaches by going into my back garden and taking deep breaths, that helped a lot. But now I know more of essential oils and frankincense in particular and as I said in my reply to Becky that eating naturally has halted my headaches, I don't get them so much at all. That is where you might want to look into the bodies PH system. Basically, junk/processed food leads to an acidic body and natural foods lead to an alkaline body. A great quote I stick by is "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"... Not processed food though obviously. Processed food is fake, made up "food". Although I do eat this food, I wish I didn't. I wish nobody had to eat this fake food really.

All essential oils, when inhaled they go straight to the brain and into the bloodstream. Frankincense in particular sends oxygen to the brain. Oxygen is what the brain needs in order to heal.

Last year or the year before, the manager of my Headway was saying how a BI'ed person treated their injury with some sort of oxygen therapy and that another BI'ed person treated his by watching funny films that made him laugh. Apparently, when you laugh your brain creates a certain chemical that can help heal your brain.

My brother was talking to me and my dad once about his partner, who has neuralgia (nerve pain in the head). His doctor told him about some oxygen therapy where he would have to take puffs of pure, clean air. Much like an inhaler I imagine. My brother said he had never heard of this treatment before but I said I could understand it as the manager of my Headway said something similar.

eddstjohnoneday profile image

I get them all the time it took years for them to decide what it is .they thought migraine no .

cluster headaches yes but its your eyeball in cluster always right eye .it could be sinuses

ear nose infection .or do you notice eye strain . pain or stress you wont believe this am cringing my right eye now . then is there a pattern to this love .do you always get this think what you done to get it for 3days see painkillers can worsen it . i have a head acke pain most of the time ,top right forehead .so I take paracetamol for cluster imagran . I can feel all my sinuses hurting and a little robot put in my ear that wont stop high pitched whistling .

is your nose like stuffy

do your eyes feel waterly .or dry

have you been takeing painkiller for 3 days

are you up the wall love stress

have your ears gone a bit deaf

is your throat sore

are you feeling hot then cold

your best going to chemist ask pharmacy doc whats best

have you been sleeping ok and any differences in yourself for3 day headaches

I do get them every otherday but go doctors . it could be medication conflicting .

anyway my friend . go to docs just to stop pain and I don't have to say this got to drink a lot and eat if you smoke is the smoke going in your eyes .get it checked pot my friend eddie

Beppybutton12 profile image

I had them soon after op and it's getting better with time I think

Been nearly a year and slow progress but you will get there

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Beppybutton12

Hi Button,

That is good to hear that your headaches are getting less, let's hope it stays that way too :).

I had severe headaches/migraines before I was diagnosed with a brain tumour in 1996 and I did get the odd headache here and there afterwards.

Can I ask you what your diet was/is like because I really do think that diet plays a major role when it comes to keeping in good health.

I used to have the typical junk food diet when I was a kid and rarely ate naturally as sugar is addictive and this is also when I had head problems.

Through my teens I had further operations and my diet was still poor. I did gradually come off the junk food diet. I stopped drinking so much coke/diet coke and other fizzy drinks and my mum said that the colour came back to my face. I was obviously quite pale looking. That'll be the excessive amount of sugar then.

A few years back is when I really started to look into eating naturally and the benefits. I am eating more cleaner now and am feeling a lot better for it :).

A brilliant quote I stick by is "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food".

Beppybutton12 profile image
Beppybutton12 in reply to Matt2584

I was good but loved choc but other than that was ok I had shingles last year and still have marks on my face that when I have headaches and am tired they come up but I was 1% chance of living so I'm not moaning although my main thing is I'm tired so tired tired fighting it that didn't help so I sleep 12 hours a night !!! Yes 13 hours and that seems to help guess it's just finding the best way to suit you how are u doing ??

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Beppybutton12

I am very very lucky. I have been in hospital quite a fair few times which all originally started with one brain tumour and a shunt and then had complications which lead to further surgery. I was diagnosed with a second tumour 2 years after the first and had radiotherapy on that. Again, more complications arose which lead to further surgery. That isn't the whole story but I have had 11operations on my head.

Everyone here has been very very lucky and I hear all different kinds of stories as not one brain injury is the same as the other.

I have said many times before in other posts that I used to have a terrible junk food diet and this is the time that my many surgeries took place. I did gradually come off of sugary foods and eat a lot more naturally now and feel a lot more better for it too :).

I hope I never have to go into a hospital ever again :).

jayne_h profile image

Can you ask your GP about this? Both my mum and I have had migranes at some point. I never used to get them and then I started to get them after drinking red wine. Bu this I mean a glass or even red wine in a sauce. I used to be able to have a glass and suffered no effects. Then I realised rose and white wine was also a trigger. Mum told me she got rid of her migranes by taking cod liver oil. I do this too. I never have wine or spirits made from grapes. I believe the cod liver oil helps.

If the trigger is stress, try sport if you can to reduce tension. eg jogging, cycling, swimming.

One friend of mine used to get migranes triggered by hormones.

Hope this helps.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to jayne_h

You believe cod liver oil helps... Nature is best :).

Matt2584 profile image

Hi Becky,

I used to get headaches pretty frequently and I used to take paracetamols to get rid of them... Not no more though.

I think that your diet plays a big role and I eat more natural foods now, cleaner foods. Processed foods won't help at all.

So because I eat more cleaner now, I dont get as many headaches now either and I rarely ever take paracetamols now.

If I do have a slight headache one day or my brain feels worn out and tired then I will inhale frankincense essential oil. It works better than paracetamols do.

A brilliant quote is "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food". And it's very true as well.

Nick123 profile image

Yeh cannabis, oils best but the more THC the better,used for cluster headaches suffer with headaches as result of tumour/shunt the crap they offer on the NHS has more side effects

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Nick123

That's right, the more THC, the better :).

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