Hello im Bev. Im new too the group. Tbh I'm struggling big time. Since I hit my head. I've had a constant headache since Jan 20th. Along with other horrible symptoms of concussion. The nausea has gone now but im left with severe headaches, dizziness and feeling faigtuired. Is this normal it's coming upto six weeks now. This is affecting me bad my pain is bad and mood is so low. Anyone help?
Constant headache since brain injuiry: Hello im Bev... - Headway
Constant headache since brain injuiry

welcome!! I suffered a TBI jury in 2000. Suffered constant headaches for eight years?! Sorry to depress y but take it that’s it’s the grey matter rewiring?! Busy knitting the new you?
I think this is normal after a tbi. Headaches, dizziness, fatigue all classic symptoms. For 4 months my GP gave me paracetamol, which was about a helpful as a chocolate teapot! Gp's haven't a clue how to manage a head injury, I persisted in asking to see someone and finally got to see a doc and consultant in a neuro rehab ward. I felt that at last someone knew what I was going through. They gave me Amatryptaline to help with the headaches and stabbing head pain. Told my balance had gone because of such a knock to the brain and the fatigue is 100% a natural reaction from the brain because it is struggling to manage with what was normality before. I had lots of tests, was in hospital for a month whilst being tested and it gave me so much insight as to what was happening to me. I will be forever grateful to the staff there as I feel they saved my sanity, they listened, they tested, they explained, they gave me advice, which my gp's and local hospital didn't/ couldn't do. I found when I was was discharged and transferred to my local hospital it was like being back before my hospital stay. In a nutshell, they were clueless. Bit of a long answer for part of your query, on to the balance now. I found as soon as it was dark, or I shut my eyes my balance disappeared. I learnt not to move my head quickly, not to bend and straighten quickly, really, no sudden movements. I still always have to look exactly where I am going or I wobble like I'm drunk. I bought walking/hiking sticks and they were so helpful. I found when I was in bed and shut my eyes it was like being in a rocking boat, my brain felt like a ships compass, constantly moving to get to a level spot. These days my balance is still terrible but I have learnt how to manage with it, I still haven't got my "sea legs" back, which is sad as I enjoy going out in the boat. You probably wondering how long this will go on ! Sorry. Finally fatigue, easy answer is as soon as you feel it sit/lie down, even snooze if you want. Your brain is tired and struggling to do what you found an everyday occurrence, making food, writing a shopping list, talking to people, going into a shop, the noise, lights, conversations, tanoy, looking for things on a shelf are all extremely tiring. You're making your brain work and it's struggling. My family/friends still don't understand the effects of a tbi because I still look the same, no visible scar, so I must be "OK". This I find infuriating, so on times I distance myself from them as I don't want to offend them because of their "stupidity" 🤭 How I would love to say "I'm not the old me, I can't converse like I used to, I can't remember things, I can't add up, I can't do anything properly, I walk away from half done jobs, I feel THICK and STUPID" but they won't understand. My saviours were and still are this site and Headway group meetings, we're similar and we understand what others are saying. I can't get to the groups much as they are in the evening and I'm usually too tired by then. Last words now😀, you're very early stages, don't expect miracles, rest as much as possible, get some proper medication to help with your headaches, it's all symptoms of your brain healing and it won't happen overnight. Don't expect to be like you were pre tbi, hopefully you will get back to that, but realise that it possibly will be a long long journey. Ask everyone on here, any time of day or night, you'll get replies, even if you just pick snippets from each one. Everyone's injury and recovery is different, one thing I can guarantee is that you'll find helpful advice on here. Take care and remember to rest.
Hiya Bev, I am really sorry to hear about your situation. I understand how you feel, scared, worried and lost. However, it is very early days with you and things can turn around quickly. If I think back on my injury there are a few things I would do in the early weeks had I known what I know now. I would look for a physiotherapist that understands concussion, a would start going to a therapist to talk through the way in which you feel, and I would pay for a private consultation with a neurologist. I would try and take the situation into my own hands. Hope this helps. Stay strong and hopefully. xxx
Hi, if you haven't seen a Neurologist yet then I would highly recommend it. I imagine this is impacting your ability to work etc so you'll probably need to consult with this sort of specialist as to the impact and how to manage your recovery.
I would also highly recommend keeping a diary of the incident, and your symptoms and when they occur to better understand how your injury is impacting you, for yourself and others to see.
Here is a wiki article about concussion:
Keep in mind that damage doesn't necessarily show up on a MRI scan, but if you have the symptoms then the damage is there somewhat.
Check out 'Brain or Shine', an organisation run by a brain injury survivor for other helpful information. Here is a link to a fatigue diary blank worksheet:
Hi Bev, I know just how you are feeling. I fell on 19th December 2024 and suffered TBI. I had symptoms exactly like yours. My headaches started to decrease around week 8 but still have the vertigo. I find walking in open spaces pretty difficult and still get tired quickly. Improvement is very slow, I'm learning to be patient, but you are improving and that's the goal.
Still on headaches 3 years in but better than they were. Did you get any treatment after your accident? Maybe start with your Doctor, even if you have to go on a waiting list. That may give you some time to suss if they come on at certain times of the day etc. As well as pain killers I use a 4head stick which helps. It's not on prescription so you can ask your local pharmacy too.
Thank u everyone for your useful comments, just feel so isolated. I've noticed if I don't sleep omg the next day is horrendous. Im getting very frustrated as normally I'm busy working be nice too have some normality back.
Hi Bev, the symptoms you describe are typical of a concussion. Have you have had an MRI scan for the injury? Also, a neurologist should be able to help you with those headaches and let you know more about what's going on.