Titanium Cranioplasty - 2 years ago toxicity? - Headway


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Titanium Cranioplasty - 2 years ago toxicity?

nmpetersen profile image
25 Replies

Hello all,

A little background - I had a craniotomy after I fell 30-40 feet in the Black Hills in South Dakota on a bicycling trip. I needed a craniotomy to allow room for my brain to swell at the time. I am perfectly fine now - no memory issues, everything is fine cognitively. I can walk, run, bike and do everything I could always do. I am 30 years old - the accident happened when I was 28 years old. I had fairly decent cosmetic results and if I didn't tell anyone I had a titanium plate on the right side of my head, nobody would ever know.

But with me being so young, I fear that the plate will eventually degrade or corrode and excess Titanium winds up in my bloodstream. I have read articles that titanium nano particles can cause neurological disorders, and possibly cancer. I guess I'm just concerned over time - say like 30-50 years of this thing being in my head that it may cause toxicity. Has anyone else heard about Titanium causing toxicity and immunity issues over time? If you have a titanium cranioplasty / plate how long have you had it?

Any response would be helpful!

Thank you all!

Nate Petersen

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nmpetersen profile image
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25 Replies
Prettythings1 profile image

Hi I had s titanium plate in my head in 2007 when I was 21 Not had any issues regarding what you mentioned although I am concerned as never heard of it before! i would be interested in knowing more though. X

nmpetersen profile image
nmpetersen in reply to Prettythings1

Not sure why my reply back didn't get posted, but thought I would send again. I too am concerned with how long I am going to have this plate in my head and what affects it will have on my body. I will say that at least with titanium cranioplasty plates there isn't any friction happening, like there would be in say a titanium knee or hip replacement. And my neuro surgeon has told me he has known people who have had titanium in there body for upwards of 30+ years without issue. Curious if there is more of us out there!

Prettythings1 profile image
Prettythings1 in reply to nmpetersen

Im sure there are more of us I intend on it being in my head longer than 30 years

nmpetersen profile image
nmpetersen in reply to Prettythings1

Me as well - as I'm only 30 right now. :/

nmpetersen profile image

I just wish there was more research on heavy metal toxicity with titanium cranioplasty plates. Anyone know of such research? If I were middle aged with this plate I wouldn't worry as much, but I have most of my life a head of me only be 30 years old. I'm so glad I'm still here - I've read numerous articles about chlorella and cilantro being able to draw out heavy metal toxins, so maybe I can try doing a detox every month for a few weeks.

nmpetersen profile image

If anyone has had a titanium cranioplasty, let me know how long you have had - it would be helpful to ease my mind. Thanks all!

RogerCMerriman profile image
RogerCMerriman in reply to nmpetersen

Never had cranioplasty though was a option apparently!

Titanium isn't a toxic material or rather it has low levels, I can't see there being a issue to be honest.

nmpetersen profile image
nmpetersen in reply to RogerCMerriman

Thanks for the reply Roger! That's what most everyone tells me too. I just worry about the duration it will be in my body - since I'm only 30 years old. But I have heard it is a safe material from my neurosurgeon as well. How did you injure your brain. I think I read you bio that you are a cyclist. That is how I had my accident...I was decenting iron mountain road on my road bike and took a turn to sharp and went over a 30-40 foot bridge. I have fully recovered remarkably thanks to God's healing power and being a very healthy individual.

RogerCMerriman profile image
RogerCMerriman in reply to nmpetersen

Cycling to work, no idea what happened it was a pootle in the park, no cars etc. Iron Mountain where is that?

nmpetersen profile image

Not sure why my post didn't go through again. Iron Mountain is near Mount Rushmore (The President faces carved in Rock) in South Dakota near Rapid City, USA. I fell over a bridge switchback. I have pictures of it somewhere - it was road/highway 16A leading up Iron Mountain and then to MT Rushmore. Do you remember any part of your accident?

RogerCMerriman profile image
RogerCMerriman in reply to nmpetersen

Ah I had wondered since one of the hills around my folks place in wales, is sometimes by cyclist (normally the sportive) called iron mountain.

No I have no recall of the accident my memory stops a minute or so before and doesn't really start again, until a few days later, I have sporadic islands in-between this.

Debkay500 profile image

2 doctors urged me to remove the titanium plates from my ankle. They said the metal flakes off into the bloodstream and causes cancer. I am glad I had them removed, because my chronic fatigue, eczema and arthritis went away completely. Hope I didn't scare you.

Deb kay

nmpetersen profile image
nmpetersen in reply to Debkay500

I'm wondering since the ankle moves, along with hip, knee and other joint replacements that is maybe why it flakes off. Since there isn't anything moving in my skull at all, I'm hoping I will be okay. Trust me, that is what I am most afraid of since I am only 31 years old.

nmpetersen profile image
nmpetersen in reply to nmpetersen

Not sure what other materials they could insert. Is ceramic safe for cranioplasty?

Debkay500 profile image
Debkay500 in reply to nmpetersen

What does your doctor say?

nmpetersen profile image
nmpetersen in reply to Debkay500

My neurologist / neurosurgeon said there wouldn't be toxicity since the metal is inert. But, I just have hard time believing that since I may have it in my head for 30-40 more years.

Debkay500 profile image
Debkay500 in reply to nmpetersen

If you feel ok then I wouldn't worry about it.

Debkay500 profile image

Dick van Dyke said his migraines went away when he had his titanium dental work removed. If you start having any symptoms express concern to your doctor.

nmpetersen profile image

Yeah, I remember hearing about that too. I feel pretty normal for the most part, some days I'm really tired, but that is due to not sleeping well sometimes I think. Otherwise, I don't notice any pain or headaches. Brain fog sometimes. Otherwise totally normal as far as I can tell. So hopefully it stays that way, but time will tell I guess. Thanks for the reply back, I will keep a close eye out for symptoms and will inform my doctor. Hopefully there are or will be better materials to use if problems arise. Thanks Debkay500!

Debkay500 profile image

Your welcome

Blixstar profile image

I have not as much as you guys in my head just two sets of screws screwed in to hold skull together after removing blood clot from inside brain Xmas 2001. I am 44 this year so have had them in for 17 years. Had mental health issues before injury, so psychiatrist says the injury has made mental health worse. I have had lots of dental surgery too before accident due to lack of self care in the past & now. Lead which is in fillings in U.K. is & has been used but mental health can be caused by any intake of lead, even unleaded petrol/gasoline in U.K. still has lead in it, haha!!! I had two brain 🧠 njuries when I was a kid but had no understanding about my lack of social & education problems. I have tried to get a degree twice but mental health or brain injuries or lead poisoning or even titanium which may be the cause of my mental health becoming worse. Nhs has no clue about my problems so no proper treatment. Has taken me 15 years to try & live a normal life since brain injury but only now do I get proper beneficial support & treatment from a charity called 2nd Chance, in West Yorkshire. Sorry seems another rant but basically we need more research into unnatural things being put in our body. Even hips have been put in with material that literally poisoned them!!! Sorry if worried too much from what I say but the pain in my body has only been helped by acupuncture by an old Chinese Dr, when even painkillers prescribed by my Gp & neurologist does not touch the pain. But that wAs the year after surgery & cost £60 per session so could not afford after only 6 sessions & able since then. Sorry lost it again all the best & hope the titanium is not going to give any of us problems ever. Kind Regards Sam

SANJUMC27 profile image

Seems titanium plate in head never influence much in blood stream if i am right , seems scalp having lesser vessels , so you no need not to worry much .

totoK profile image

I'm trying to find info on titanium and came across your question. My son had a severe TBI in 2006 and has a metal plate- pretty sure it's titanium. When he was released from the hospital I was given no information. We were just glad he was alive and asked no questions. So for more than 10 years he has experienced low grade chronic fever, swollen lymph nodes in neck, irritable bowel, swelling around eyes. All of his bloodwork comes back normal. I'm embarrassed to admit I never once thought it could be toxicity from the metal. But the doctors never gave any indication that could be a possibility. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms?

nmpetersen profile image
nmpetersen in reply to totoK


I have had this titanium plate in my head for almost four years now and haven't had any of those symptoms yet (hopefully won't). The occasional headache, but headaches are pretty rare for me and I'm pretty sure stress and poor sleep cause them when they happen. Since the titanium plate doesn't move in your head, I wouldn't think there would be any issues, since not much titanium ions would enter the blood stream. I would guess overtime, it's possible that more titanium ions could slip into the blood stream. The result could be the a failed plate or an allergic reaction to titanium since every is different. My guess would be an allergic reaction to the metal. When did your son first start having these symptoms, if it was right away, I would guess he is allergic and probably would be best to find another material to cover the skull defect. Just my two cents.

Ericonda0415 profile image

Hi, I had brain surgery when I was 7 and a titanium mesh plate was put in my skull. I’ve lived with a terrible headache/migraine 24/7 and after about 11 years it made me completely disabled and unable to do... well anything. I’ve seen a lot of doctors and so far I’ve baffled them all. Only now am I finding out that the titanium plate, overtime, causes the bone around it, once it heals, to become brittle. Therefore may need to be removed. I’ve also read that most patients don’t have this issues. My advise, if you get throbbing headaches you should ask your doctor about the titanium plate and skyll embrittlement.

Hope this helps!

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