Hi all, I've posted and replied a few times on noise intolerance issues. I've tried various methods and coping stratergies to try and manage/deal with it. Although it has improved i have found the more i try and get back to 'normal' that it is still a significant issue whenever i am out and about and continues to induce fatigue.
I decided earlier this year to try and get some help and on the back of some very informative leaflets from the Stroke Association explaining that it is actually a condition and also with some guidance from the Headway team i got my GP to refer me to hospital. I finally had my appointment this week and the outcome was that my tolerance levels are at 70 decibels and should be at least 100 decibels. I am to be referred for desensitising sessions, so i hope to report good news in the future.
I know my time living with BI (2years) is relatively short compared to a lot but wish i had done something about it sooner.