I suffered from deep rumination and sadness following on from a relationship bust up. It totally wrecked my health and it has made me very wary of future relationship investments. In case someone's out there suffering in silence on this subject, I think the recommendations in this article 'hit the nail on the head!'
A useful article on 'rumination' getting over brok... - Headway
A useful article on 'rumination' getting over broken relationships/friendships. How to get someone out of your head!

Going to read this ☺
Thanks SwedishBlue. I am not in this position at the moment but certainly have been in the past. Interesting reading!
Here is another idea - ideally have another person help you do this. This is what they say to you: Tell the person you are going to help them. Tell him or her, 'Find something that isn't reminding you of ______ (name of person he or she lost).'
Okay, repeat the command.
Do this until the person is feeling lighter and better. This can be done as often as needed. It has worked well for me.
The ruminating thing is hard to stop-it led to a MH team telling me i should forget someone or it could lead me to be arrested,then threw me out of MH team without any help. Few months later asked for help at A&E,was arrested cos MH team said arrest him cos we can't help him cos of cost(admitted to me at time!) & don't want to admit lack of help made it worse til nothing got thoughts out of head! Just think of something else didn't work!