not been on lately as not been too good,Hope you all have a peaceful Sunday x
off radar: not been on lately as not been too good... - Headway
off radar

Hi nice to see you
Sorry things haven't been too good lately, anything we can do to help?
Hope your Sunday is peaceful too.

Hello jacs,
I think of how you are doing quite a lot, as I know that there is just you to look after yourself and it is hard x
How is the potential house move going or is it on hold?
Here to listen whenever you need a pal.
big hug
Nancy x
yes nancy suppose to be 12 June but its been delayed again.Just seem to have days that merge into another .Just tired sore an fed up.My heads started getting these suicidal headaches,think my head is just going to explode.An it were the beating was each time like been hit again,so enjoy your weekend all,thanks tired nan
Hi there Jacs xx
I'm really so sorry that things are bad. You have been through so much and deserve better times. Just want you to know I am thinking of you,
Do you think you might have some kind of post traumatic stress after all that you have been through? I think if you could email Headway and ask them if there is anything relevant nearby. Are you getting any mental health support apart form meds?
Take care honey please know that we are here and sometimes the kindness of people you have never met is more than you have around you. xxxxx
TN xx
been left like a dog to rot always promises of tomorrow uno'past that not spoke for 4 years about what happened,never mind the 4 years of hell;too thanks hun tc k
It's not on at all what's been happening. I'm so sorry but please talk to us all here between us we will try and do our best to give you some moral support.
Is there anything we can do to help, hopefully between all our wonky heads we might come up with some ideas.
Lots of love
TN xxx
I am trying a posting experiment with this reply to you jacs. I hope it works.