We Know that moment & feelings : Mmmm... - Headway
We Know that moment & feelings

Sorry you've lost me, don't look terribly happy?
Which moment ? Which feelings ? Can you be more specific so we can engage with you.
Half in the light, half in the dark...yep, been there frequently....
Yes I have a split like that of the person who can go out into the world when essential and present as someone who is living a life and the other side who stays at home home in a dark shadow of no longer fitting with life in the wider world beyond my house. Don't think its a split down the middle though as more in the shadow with a chink of light.
Life after brain injury can be so lonely, it's one of the most devastating aspects. You can be surrounded by people and feel they aren't like you and you can never truly be accepted for being so different. I try to enjoy my life as best I can, but when I see people doing the normal things that you do when the weather gets nice I feel I could die and nobody notice too busy having a good time.
It's so true that it's a lonely road nowadays even when you are surrounded by people! I went to a quiz night last night and it was so busy, plus we were trying to eat and take part in the quiz, I sat feeling as tho I was all alone, although I was chatting every now and then I felt so, so different to everybody there and wondered if I looked silly to others and said silly things. Needless to say I had a bit of a melt down when we got home and I'm having a pyjama day today as my brain feels like it was stretched to the max (not answering the quiz questions, just by being there) and my head is about to explode! Nobody gets it and I'm not trying to explain as it just gets seen as you're being silly and look normal to folk! Oh the tears have rolled all day and I hardly slept a wink last night! I am seen as anti social by a few but little do they know....lucky them!
Nobody talks about loneliness after BI, hopefully the nhs or some other body can rub two neurons together and do a study looking at this aspect of brain injury that's never talked about.
For me, I wish I could say I no longer feel so different but I still do, I've become different and being a quiet and socially awkward has become part of my identity, although I'm so use to it now I see it as being normal for me. I don't know exactly why I became that way but I know being only able to pay attention to one thing at a time, being distracted by noises, etc. Needing extra time to convert thoughts into words to be said and people's lack of awareness or patience with me didn't help.
I know what you mean about just being there is enough to deal with, nobody ever notices that I'm uncomfortable in those situations and people just think I'm quiet and not friendly.