It’s been 2 years since crash...I have about 3/4 spliffs a week and it’s normally to slow my brain down!! Spliffs regarding hash- so never feel too ‘high’ as such! I enjoy taste and yeah slows my rushy thoughts down- is this acceptable??? My mum declares it’s bad and I should stop- but if it’s helping me chill after such a TBI Which has left me with a constant immediacy in life!!!!
smoking hashy spliffs to slow down immediacy - Headway
smoking hashy spliffs to slow down immediacy

Everyone will say completely stop but I have been there and I didn't stop- I took more of everything for escapism. My health, mood swings, temperament and bouts of depression have improved since I stopped all smoking and my binge drinking habits 4 years ago when I got pregnant. Stopping was the best thing I ever did, but in hindsight I needed something to get me through my days of bleakness so I will just say take it easy and stay safe
Let's put it this may think it makes you feel better whilst you are doing it, but you know really it doesn't. I think you already know the answer here. And I am sure you know what your GP/ your mother / your best friend would say too.
Hi Ruby,
With the drinking, you might want to slow it down or stop it completely. Alcohol is not really good for anyone and for people with BI it can be worse.
As for the weed, I don't smoke and have never touched weed but I would not slow it down or stop. Keep going with it is what I say. I have read so many good things referring to weed/cannabis/marijuana/hemp.
fedupspark has been making posts here and there about cannabis or more of CBD (canabidiol).
I first started reading good things about cannabis a few years ago. Rick Simpson is someone you might want to look up. He has apparantly cured over 4000 patients who had cancer with cannabis oil.
Take care,
Rather depends on how much, with both health risks depend on quantity and luck/genes.
as to is it a good idea with a brain injury, as ever depends on person and amount.
So far everyone has not said stop aqua! Know someone who imbibes and has not had a BI of any sort. Says he uses it to cope with life and the mental and physical results of a medical error. Had a ruptured cruciate ligament when 15, that remained un-diagnosed for nearly 2 years! Where do I live? (will tell you later if you can't guess! ) Given that story, I would think you could forgive him for taking a puff! I do, and I understand, however:-
It has changed his personality and had a detrimental effect on his memory. It is very difficult to judge if he needs to it to cope. He has had a s**t deal, been let down by the system, but I worry about his future mental health.
I certainly don't know enough about the subject to give an educated opinion. I won't say "No", seek out the opinion of people who know more than me about the subject. If you can make sure they are open-minded , and get a medical opinion! Sure that hasn't helped but just being honest!
Hi miracleman there has been a good response on here- I kind of meant the people in the outside world as that is all I have experience of
See what you mean aqua, its probably my age, (53) or the people I associate with! But I get the impression that the attitude has changed out in the big wide world and find my 'be very careful with it, avoid it if you can, attitude", is more often shared by people in the generation above. I really do find a variety of opinions on illegal substances, but I have to admit I am very naive on the subject, have little true understanding of it, and instinctively opt on the side of caution. Sorry! I will finish with a final offering:- I understand why 'the person I know' smokes, and the comfort it brings him, but I don't like the way it has changed him and makes him not rational at times, and wish he didn't need to use it!
Don't worry- nothing to be sorry for it's easy to read things differently to how they are supposed to be read- I mean with just the written word, there's not much to go on as you don't know what angle people are coming from! I'm surprised that people are not strict with their views on whats good or bad on here and people seem to generally be open to others opinions- I don't find that in the 'real' world. I have problems reading people and situations as it is- so to not have facial expressions and intonation makes it even more confusing! I just try to be as honest as possible, as I do in life- which usually doesn't do me much good. So happy to be able to chat on here, I probably go on loads but that is me. I think I have become more and more secluded from the outside world and am happier because I got very hurt out there and think I am too weak and sensitive to handle everyday life! I'm so sensitive to noise now which is a new thing I've only got in the last few years.
I am out of touch with most things now I am 38- maybe I thought people would say stop drinking etc because they always said that me...
My concern would be what are you actually smoking in particular it's THC to CBD ratio, skunk is very bad due to it's high THC content.
Of course I can't endorse your criminal behavior, you need to move to California!!
I am no doctor, but I am a huge advocate for the use of cannabis as medicine. Following a trauma and related after effects to the brain, back, and many other areas, myself, and many other people have found great therapy in it. If it helps you, and doesn't fill you with all sorts of newer synthetic chemicals like pharmaceuticals, or drag you down physically or mentally, then smoke. It is honestly a miracle plant.