ok I have had a letter this afternoon saying I have the dwp coming to see us ? now is this about his esa or is it about the PIP just confused its on the 10th august between 10.00am 12.00
a letter from DWP: ok I have had a letter this... - Headway
a letter from DWP

I'm not absolutely sure but it is probably about both as they come under the same department.
There are many better informed people than me who will be able to give you clearer info.
Hope all goes better than you can dream.
Love n hugs
irishrose this will be be a home assessment because he is unable to go to the assessment centre.
i think its possible this maybe the result of the result of the recent ss assessment.
good luck keep us informed
I'd ring them and ask - you may think you are confused but they have a habit of getting very confused indeed in that department!
I once had three letters giving me a home appointment arrive over the course of 2 days. Each had a different date and time on it for the appointment, but the letters were all dated on the same day, so there was no way of telling which one was right! When I rang them to check it turned out they couldn't do a home appointment anyway.
Something about not organising a convivial evening in a brewing establishment comes to mind......
Hi Rose, I'm sending you a message in a minute - check your inbox
Ok chick x