I was assaulted and robbed at the end of December, which resulted in a subarachnoid heamoraage. About 6 weeks after the initial injury I had a really bad day, couldn't focus at all, really dizzy and extreme nausea. I looked in the mirror and one of my pupils was dilated quite a bit more than the other. Since then it only seems to happen in certain lights and It doesn't quite have the same impact on me as it first did. I did go to see the doctor at the time, but of course because the light was different she didnt see a problem and seemed a bit clueless about the whole thing. It's only because of my own research I found out about Anisocoria.
Did anyone suffer from Anisocoria as a result of t... - Headway
Did anyone suffer from Anisocoria as a result of their brain injury?

I had to Google it too Chelt but all I found was that it affects 20% of the population and has many different causes, one of them being SAH.
Have to tried asking an optician to examine your pupils and maybe refer you on to an optometrist who deals with wider issues related to eye problems, including causes and general health.
Cat x
I will definitely go to the optician at some point, I was sort of waiting until I was well enough, although that hasn't happened yet. I was just interested to see how common it was with people that had a brain injury. 😁
I get this from time to time too. I also get migraines and other visual/balacne symtpoms and have damabge to my inner ear(s) from a TBI, but not had the different size pupils in a while. It coincides with other symptoms which I cannot rememeber precisely now - not helpful!! The NHS seems to have no time to look into most of my symtoms or do anything about them now, but perhaps with your diagnosis and it being more recent, they will want to know. I hope so. I would try to see someone like a neurologist or a neurootologist. It must be indicative of something...! Hope you recover well
Hi Cirrus, yeah i understand what you mean about the other symptoms. I went to see a physio the other day and apparently it's affected my gaze stability, which impacts all the other symptoms you mentioned really. She gave me some exercises to do to help with it, she couldn't guarantee that they would work, but it's sort of re-training the brain to compensate for it. I knew my focus and other things were affected before that, but I didn't realise how badly it's affected my balance. Onwards and upwards I suppose. 🙄
Yes onwards and hopefully upwards! Its been and still is tough I must say, but I do hope it won't be for you. I decompensate I have been told. I had a lot of muscle memoery from a very active life pre-injury (ballet etc) so at the beginning I unconsciusly used this (alhtough i felt odd and disconnected) but as the muscle memory faded from lack of use, i have got so much worse. And triedness makes it worse,alos multitaksing. Or jstu standing whilst talking. Apols for my typing. Its just coming out all jumbled today! Am so tired.
There was a post on symtoms ofcognitive/visual something the ohter day which got me intrested. Sometimes i just feel like I cannot see properly... in a vague way. Liek the world has gone all low defintion. Its hard to explain. I jsut havn't the brain power to investgate it all. Would love to have a Dr with time and money on their hands who could!
If you ever find out an answer would be great of you could let us know.
Very best wishes to you, and to all others reading this with brain problems xxxxxxx