Hi all, let me introduce Artie whom celebrated his 10th birthday last month. He goes just about everywhere with me collecting friends without fail. His favourite places are the beach, local parks and walking around our neighbourhood. Artie brings joy to all he meets! Claire xx
my pet companion...: Hi all, let me introduce Artie... - Headway
my pet companion...

He's gorgeous! How lovely to have him to make you get out and about and chat with people.
thank you, the charm literally oozes from him!
He is soo cute, and adorable. What breed is Artie? Happy birthday Artie for last month
Thanks Sem. He is a wire haired mini fox terrier X griffin. I adopted him from a shelter five years ago. Artie has been preloved pet and of course continues to be. I suspect that he was previously with an elderly person because he always gravitates towards elderly people and small kids (grand children?) He is such a delight to be with and brings so much joy to all who meet him.😄
Oh thank you for posting this photo of Artie, Claire. I just want to scoop him up and cuddle him (not easy from the other side of the world).
What a perfect little friend you have & so comforting to curl up with on your current winter nights. Look forward to others (especially one wearing his coat !)
Cat xx
He's lovely, where would we be without them. I have 2 lovely terriers who are always there for me.
Sue x
I have a 18 month old BoerBoel (South African Mastiff). He is absolutely bonkers, it is like living with Tigger from Winnie the Pooh - except that "Archie" is 9st and still has another 3 stone to finish growing
And yes he does want to get on my lap ........
Thanks Cat, Jules, Sue and Sos.... yes Cat, Artie is very cuddly and loves hugs too. Matter of fact he demands them regularly. He is a lot of fun and is always smiling. Jules, he is a cheeky pet indeed. He is playful as a kid, yet has the maturity of an adult. Artie is my role model. Artie has good manners and is so friendly that he sits on his behind and raises his right paw and patiently waits for a handshake with animal loving people that he meets....I could go on and on about Artie's endearing ways. Sue, your two Terriers sound very supportive too. It's comforting to know that they are always with you. Sospan, your BoerBoel mastiff sounds like lots of fun too. A gentle giant indeed! Be careful of your lap! In summary, our beautiful pets accept us just as thee way we are and that is so reassuring onthis planet, where we are a minority. Claire xx
Cat, I will post another photo of Artie soon, this time wearing his coat. Am glad to report that winter is coming to an end. We are looking forward to brighter days as it has been so cold here. Yesterday morning, it was zero degrees. brrrrrr Hope the weather is kind enough for you today, to do some happy gardening. Claire xx
Thanks Connie. I adopted him when I could no longer work part time over five years. He does indeed bring joy into my life. Everyday. Artie is curled up next to me on my couch right now.
How are you going? Claire xx
just noticed a word is missing... should read five years ago
Hes so so cute, we have 2 chocolate labs who are lovely but not so cute. Brought a smile to my face seeing Artie. X
Thanks Nick. Your two choc labs would be fun too! Pets are wonderful therapy as they bring so much joy to this world. Claire xx