CH CH Changes: Anyone else noticed changes since... - Headway


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CH CH Changes

randomphantoms profile image
23 Replies

Anyone else noticed changes since their bi? I don't mean the things that don't work or fatigue I mean changed.

For me it has been colour preferences, taste and the big one is memory.

Pre bi my memory was very visual/activity based but now it is very hearing based. I'm just grateful that I still have a working memory.

Lovenhugs to all


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randomphantoms profile image
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23 Replies
cat3 profile image

Short-term memory v.damaged and vision & hearing deteriorated. But the most notable change in senses is in my taste. My favourite foods (especially tomatoes) are all spoiled now with a chemical taint.

The three other women in my rehab ward had exactly the same issue. One was particularly miffed as her main taste distortion was with any type of chocolate. And visitors, knowing her as a chocoholic, kept bringing boxes & boxes of the stuff ! ...................what a tease it must have been seeing the rest of us, and nursing staff, tucking into them. xxx

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to cat3

Love that song BTW ! x

randomphantoms profile image
randomphantoms in reply to cat3

Hi Cat

How is your long term memory? Just realised that's a daft question when you remember the song.

Do you think the taste thing is anything to do with meds? I only get the chemical taste when I've had to increase the meds tondeal with one of those headaches.



cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to randomphantoms

Absolutely no problem with long-term memory. In fact I can recall things from way back which family/friends can't.

And the taste thing started just prior to the SAH. I'd read that it can be a precursor to a brain issue and asked my GP about it. She laughed, but a few weeks later I collapsed with the bleed and the problem still prevails 3+ years on.

And my meds hadn't changed for years when the taste problem ( Troposmia) reared its ugly head.

It's true that meds CAN cause distortion of taste though.

Which pain killers do you use Random ? xx

randomphantoms profile image
randomphantoms in reply to cat3

Hi Cat

Not being one for meds and having my injury explained to me I am on Amitryptilene (rising dose) for the rest of my life. Uggh but it does the job.



cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to randomphantoms

I took Amitriptyline for over 20 years with no ill effects then changed to Paroxetine which I'll probably be on forever !!

I wouldn't worry about taking Amitriptyline long -term ; it's a really safe drug & been around a long, long time.

Hope the headaches improve as the dose increases.

Take care m'dear xxx

randomphantoms profile image
randomphantoms in reply to cat3

The advice I was given was to avoid the headaches. So I am on a low level maintenance dose with permission to increase as necessary to manage a headache when I get one.

It really does the job and a headache that would have immobilised me for 2 weeks in the past is down to 3 or 4 days and thankfully very rare these days as I continue to learn how to pace and what my limits are.

Thanks a lot for your input.

Lots of love


Jennaberri profile image
Jennaberri in reply to cat3

Ooh yeah, the chocolate change. I used to scoff loads of choc and now I can give or take it. I blame that on the amount of chocolate I ate whilst I was in hospital, I was bought so much chocolate lol

angelite profile image

Hi Random,

My memory is now very visual based, I think having a mental picture ( I often find an absurd/unusual mental image sticks better ) helps me connect better and visual prompts work best, rather than aural reminders.

Whilst I am aware that my short term memory is pants and therefore have to write things down all the time it has become apparent that I have some odd blanks in long term that I cannot account for. This upsets me way more than any short term deficits as it like having a chunk of my past life missing. My partner is happy to describe the place, time, events etc and I listen eagerly hoping something will click - it is a huge disappointment when I often fail to recognise anything and I just have to take his word that I was there and did this, that and the other. Conversely, if the penny drops I get very excited and feel ridiculously pleased with myself !

Food tastes about the same, except for when I have burning tongue syndrome which makes things rather metallic. Having spent so many weeks just on Ready Brek during illness, I do seem to have gone off that as a result !

I never used to be a 'girly' girl, avoiding floral, feminine clothing, especially pink !

I now possess some floral/pink items and have acquired a huge collection of decorative lovehearts about the house and garden ! ( ? ! ? ) I still draw the line at wearing dresses though ! : )

Oh well, turn and face the strain : ) x

randomphantoms profile image
randomphantoms in reply to angelite

Hi Angelite

Dare I say almost snap on the colour thing.. I can't believe I like pink now but I have bought a few maxi dresses!!!!!!

The thing I'm less happy about is I have to be very careful with patterns cos my poor little brain does not compute well.

The memory thing is weird. There is about 2 years before bi and my memory is very unreliable and I've decided that it's not that important.



Sem2011 profile image

My taste for food has changed since my TBI. Pre TBI I loved cheese and savoury food. My partner would buy cheese selection for valentines. Now I cannot get enough of hot chocolate, around 5 cups a day, I prefer more sugar in my coffee, and buy cakes, chocolate, and puddings when eating out. A total opposite . I was told I had some subtle frontal lobe damage, which control appetite.

My visual perception is impaired. I have a weakness in which I will write a letter, but it is not accurate, as I am reading what I think is on paper, but it is not accurate. I find this particularly frustrating as my job used to be composing reports and letters. My spelling is not great, which is hard as before it was good.

My short term memory is not good. Even though I write my appointments on calendar I was sure my dentist appointment was on Thursday, but it was Wednesday, and Wednesday on the calendar, but my head said Thursday. This happens often.

I have an obsession with bleach post BI. Sad as it is I love trying all the different fragrances of bleach 😳 from supermarket. I stay at my son's and bleach the place, but it needs it! I think I keep the supermarket in business. Candles too!

pleyland profile image

At first it was Sports Mix sweets by the bag load. Now its pickles of all shapes and sizes. Lime pickle, pickled gherkins etc. In fact as I'm typing I'm thinking I'll just pop to the kitchen for a nibble.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to pleyland

Nice to see you Paul. Hope you're doing ok.

Enjoy the gherkins !! Cat xx

malalatete profile image

Hi random

mine is post ME rather than BI, but I know my brain is injured....

it is odd things though.

My hai4, which was always ramrod straight, is now wavy. My nails, which were always brittle, are now strong.

my stress reaction kicks in a lot more quickly, so I find I can no lomger tolerate heights, fairground rides, or any high adrenaline situation. I used to love it, these days I just turn to jelly. Cross jelly. Like mustard flavoured jelly or something.

my memory used to be systems based, it was like I had an internal filing cabinet. These days it only works emotionally or visually. If I didn't feel it or see it, I probably won't remember it.

But the other wierd thing is that I used to be someone who performed well under pressure. I lived under pressure and it broouht the best out in me. I was always totally wired. These days I am manana, manana lady. Nothing much phases me, I am not about to rocket into space, on the contrary, I am so laid back I am pretty near horizontal. A pretty major character change....and I have no idea where that came from, unless it is just the realisation that life is now on a go-slow and I just have to go with it.... but it has changed my outlook on virtually everything!

paxo05 profile image

Hi Random

Mine is also short term memory. Along with names and even forgeting what words to use ( can be embarssing as well as entertaining).

Spelling is a problem and money just doesnt look right. I know that seems strange but I have a real problem counting money. I have lost some of my sense of smell as well. So cooking can be a fun experience.

Apart from that and the odd physical problem I am fine. Although not all would agree with this last statement.

All the best Pax x

randomphantoms profile image
randomphantoms in reply to paxo05

Don't get me started on money Pax!!!!!

What I really can't get my head around is the fact that I can count and even do simple mental arithmetic..........but I can't handle getting change in a shop and have argued for fifteen minutes before being left feeling like a two year old.

How was the airport experience?



paxo05 profile image
paxo05 in reply to randomphantoms

Same here with money just doesnt seem to add up.

Airport was an experience I think. Cant remember much apart from finding everything funny. Thats the beauty of medication I suppose.

The journey back was more interesting. Airport was ok but sat an hour on the plane in a thunderstorm was not the best start to the flight. On the whole I think the holiday was ok......cant wait to remember it all.

Pax xxx

Jennaberri profile image

Things that have changed for me since my TBI is my endometriosis, food in tolerances and no more hay fever. My confidence has taken a real knock too but the endo and allergies thing I find fascinating. Sharon stone reported changes in her food allergies after a stroke, crazy eh :)

randomphantoms profile image
randomphantoms in reply to Jennaberri

Hi Jennaberri

I really curious .....what changed about the endometriosis?



Jennaberri profile image
Jennaberri in reply to randomphantoms


My symptoms have stopped all together, before the BI it was horrendous. I was in pain daily xxx

randomphantoms profile image
randomphantoms in reply to Jennaberri

All I can say is wow! Almost enough to make me wish my bi was pre hysterectomy.. Almost!!!


Musical taste changed. I came home and looked through my CD collection and thought, `nah` . I was suffering retrograde amnesia and thought it was the mid 80s (it was 2001) but 80s music seemed to be everywhere, which confused me a bit. Needed to write copious notes (still do it, maybe out of habit) and yes, love sweet things now, maybe its a comfort thing. Love to all and hope you saw some sun today x

MXman profile image

Wow - Just reading this thread and the main denominator is memory. Hi Random, I always had a few problems with short term memory but now its worse since my BI. I can forget conversations and what was said so as said above I really try and put a picture with stuff which really helps. The other change for me is concentration when communication, I just loose interest. I suppose thats linked to the short term memory loss too.

personality is changing but iv covered that in my own post, this is changing and I'm struggling to get what I want back. (Anyone else having this problem?) These symptoms haven't come on suddenly they have been progressive and I'm not far from my BI (16th May this year) so other things could change too. Love your thread though Random...

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