Does anyone else do adult colouring to help with anxiety? Recently Ive been addicted to it, I love colouring with gel pens, it reminds me of when I went on holiday and how I had a massive bag of colouring pens.
Adult colouring : Does anyone else do adult... - Headway
Adult colouring

Hi Bexx,
My wifed has just bought me a book of adult colouring and set of pencils. Felt a bit of a child at first but now I'm into it it's very absorbing and fun.
My father-in-law recently when into care for dementia and it's one of the things they recommend as well as painting to help alieviate the boredom and stress of the situation which is why the wife thought it would be good for me and help relieve my stress.
My nephew bought me a book and its brilliant in helping with co ordination.
You have got to colour in a cafe or public place and you have to have your tongue poking out.
I do and its funny to see the reaction from the public
Ive done it in work at lunch and a colleague commented "don't have to much fun" I was worried about telling my boyfriend as he tends to jokingly make fun of me to wind me up but I tested the water by saying there is this weird craze going on with adults colouring and he had no reaction, then his friend said his girlfriend was into colouring and mentioned what I told him then I felt confident to tell him I started as well and was itching to colour but left my colouring book at home so he went and printed some Mandalas (chosen by me) and printed some for himself and we spent 3 hours colouring and using his niece and nephew colouring pens lol now he wants to see my colouring book and gel pens so I have them in my bag, I completed a picture last night and started a new one when I woke and plan to finish it on my lunch break, I follow several groups on facebook where we all share our finished pictures, discuses types of pens and books
I've actually never heard of this, but my grandson often starts off colouring a picture in a colouring book then gets bored.
He then gets impatient with me 'cause I can't resist finishing it, very carefully, & he's wanting me to get involved in something more exciting.
It is pretty addictive & therapeutic isn't it Bexx. I'm going to Google it. xx
It's brilliant! Like being a child again, and very relaxing. Great for when you just need to switch off
Yes, I do it too. And paint by numbers, just finished a beautiful Tutankhamen mask, this was a German one, fantastic so satisfying and therapeutic xxxx
I use to love paint by numbers, my friend whos mum is a math teacher hated doing math (my friend was home schooled) so her mum used paint by numbers (as she loved it) but in order for her to know what the colour was she had to do the equation I think that's a brilliant idea
Errr dont think I have ever stopped colouring ......just had a thought does this mean I am last I have arrived and am up to date...
Cant say the same about my clothes though.
I'd not heard of this adult coloring until a few days back.
I was having a discussion with friends out here on holiday and how I used to love colouring and drawing and they told me about this new craze that's going on so guess who is going to start again....
I used to like the Altair Design geometric pattern colouring books as a child.
I have also enjoyed a dabble with Scraperfoil. I have to admit that having a young son gave me a great excuse to indulge in all kinds of art and craft with him : )
I do tend to find that the spasticity i now have causes my hand/arm to cramp up quickly with refined,repetitive movement like writing so I express my artistic side in other ways now, like arranging plants and ornaments in my garden : ) x
If you are worried about it seeming a bit childish coloring in, there are a number of more challenging colouring books that might interest people, I was involved in first aid and first aid training in my previous existence and there were a number of anatomy coloring books that we used to recommend for students, a web search for anatomy colouring books will show a number of them, if my memory serves me well, it was one by Wynn Kapit, Lawrence M. Elson that we used, most of them are anatomically accurate and you will probably learn things as well and get some good therapy.

Im tempted of knitting a brain hat to wear lol have you looked at sugar skulls colouring books? there are a lot of free pictures you can print off
Yes i do i do mandalas its great.