I brought like £40 worth of stationery to get everything organisated like appointment letters a folder a wide selection of pens, plastic wallets, page separators, a mini white board to try and get my affairs in order and keep organised and on top of everything reminds me of being in school/college and this was my favourite during the summer hols lol I love stationery
Stationary galore - organisation nerd alert ! - Headway
Stationary galore - organisation nerd alert !

Wow,nerd alert! LOL good to be organised tho!
Everyone collected pen rubbers(erasers to US) when i was at school. My Dr Snuggles rocket ship one was all i wanted!

I just spent a hour taking everything out the packaging, ordering and filing away I do have a label maker from my days of doing penpal writing as I had a ton of people now I have a heap of empty wrappers
I done penpal writing in past-mostly about 20 yrs back tho!

To distract my from my ex I had at one point like 50 penpels and he would read my letters and say take that out and that out and I just to do adult coloring (which I plan on getting back into) and he just to comment on how I wasnt 100% in the lines for 2 years he drove me insane at the end and I'm still dealing with thr after math even now 3 years on
I was doing colouring at least every other saturday at a MH group,but people who went kept just going on about drugs all the time,and dropped out of monday get together with ex local Mind members where i also done it,so i need to get back to it! The more they say mindful,the more i can't stand the patterns tho-they make me feel weird. Also i just do Colour By Numbers as i'm too critical on what colours go where!
well done you. I have done similar before and get mixed up with rushing, too many gaps between doing things, anxiety, spending too much time then trying to catch up on the past and not focusing on what we can do once we are organised, getting frustrated etc.... I keep trying. but I have faith you can continue your good start and stay on top of your progress day on day... good luck.

Thanks it's just kicked off a tiding spree now which I don't want to do but try telling that the my distressed brain which will be good in the long term as I will wake up to a nice tidy flat but right now is bad
How is it going now? Making progress? You have inspired me to make a start.

I did all the prep work un a hour putting it all together and I already prepared stuff to go in the night before, now I'm just expanding on my sections or adding new stuff (which may require a 2nd folder lol) glad to have inspire someone it's been a while since ive done that
Thank you. I have set up a new diary system. A planner where I record tasks under headings, then a weekly diary. I record everything that needs doing in the planner and the transfer some of those tasks to the weekly diary at the start of each week. I cross them off in the planner once things are completed to help me keep track more. I can think of what needs doing in a conversation but my working memory can be hit and miss over a week so I need strong guidance to get me on track and keep me going. Hope this helps. Also started throwing out lots of things. Think that having less and less clutter will help me stay calm at home. Onwards and upwards, fingers crossed.

That's really good to hear I have a calander where I'm scribbling off the days so I know what date it is and I have written appointment/phone calls to expect as well as having a calander on my phone I love my new phone as I can make notes electronically via typing or hand writing and then transfer it to my folder as I'm never without my phone and I feel so professional as it has a pen so I can jab the screen when my fingers are to achey to use
I'm also getting back to my routine and self care which is what ive craved for over a year and work have said I can have 6 months off on full pay and 6 months off on half pay
I have a big calander not a small one this one because mainly I like the picture and when I visited the museum to look at what they had this calander was half price on the day I visited which I think told me I need to get this calander:
(@Andrew- the colleague that sits opposite your desk cant remember her name will like this calander as I remember her saying she would happy move down to Bristol and was telling Charlotte what she was missing by not visiting )
Thank you so much for this post and replies!
First of all bexx87 I’m a stationery nerd (always have been) and I left school a long time ago. So I get where you are coming from
Secondly what fab tips for organisation! I am recovering from PCS and my memory took a big hit. To the point I couldn’t remember how to do my job. Luckily it is gradually coming back but sadly not things like PIN numbers, passwords, or one month of time post accident that appears to have been wiped from my mind.
However, short term memory for things like tasks is a problem still so I am really grateful for the tips you have shared. Thank you.