''There may be psychogenic potentiation and motivational factors, perhaps of a conscious and unconscious nature which are colouring the current presentation. '' from a Psychiatrist .
Can anyone translate into English please? - Headway
Can anyone translate into English please?

Sounds like around about way of saying; "I have no idea". Is this from your own Psychiatrist?
It tottally sounds like "I have no idea"
What the pscogenic potent s you either do it intentionally or by no choice, unintentionally, maybe the pscogenic potent bit is something about a pscyatric thing? It gobbledygook to me? Have you tried google?
Looking through the terms one by one. The guy seems to be saying that there is an underlying psychological problem combined with a lack of motivation either intentional or subconsciously which is affecting the session with psychiatrist.
So basically what he is saying is that he believes you are faking or exaggerating some or all of your symptoms either deliberately or subconsciously.
Have you mentioned that you have researched your injury ? Sometimes they suggest that people research a condition then match their current symptoms to a particular diagnosis and at the same time pick up additional symptoms at the same time. Not saying you have but it is the conclusion that some of them draw
you're gonna love this one - psychology that emphasizes the descriptive and empirical nature of the phe- nomenon) or ... ence, and that consciousness (C) may thus be of a dif- ferent nature ... cause they are presented below the limen for conscious .... Affective and motivational unconscious ... emotional and motivational factors can mold the con-. NOT MINE - I googled the sentence and their are some weird and wonderful search paths - good luck! xx
sorry, Danlatete and Sospan got there before me.....
I know how you must be feeling and having changes happen
To me after my SAH it is not easy as in my case I do not always see
It my self all brain trauma has consequences and every one is affected
Differently I am learning it is very hard on both sides just keep in mind
It is the result of the damage caused to the brain that results in the changes
In personality
I am sure people out there can help its finding the right professionals I wish
You luck in finding them
thank you David. Personally, I have found so much information researching brain injury because of my own 12 months ago and not found answers in terms of getting the right professional help - I live in France - all they want to do here (2 diff doctors 1 neurologist 3-4 weeks ago) is give me anti-despressants, my last 'new' doctor sys a/d's all do different things depending on which one you are prescribed, some will replace seratonin OTHERS WILL TRY AND KICKSTART BRAIN INTO GETTING BODY TO RESPOND, docor explained to me last Weds. My french is just about on a par with his english - not brilliant, but more so than nothing from us both.Its becoming an obsessive quest for me to get the follow up I should have had initially, but I can't grumble about last doctor he seems to understand more than any of others so got me an appointment with the Neuro.
What I have learnt to date has, apart from my reearch, come all with help and support from Headway and the forums, for which I am very grateful.