30 yrs later after having TB Meningitis i have discovered that i have been suffering with mild aquired brain injury as a result of TBM which affects me immensly,i have been trying to find the right help and support but dont seem to be getting anywhere,is there anybody that can point me in the right direction.
Emma: 30 yrs later after having TB Meningitis i have... - Headway

Hiya Emma, hope you're well.
I can't personally cos my head injury was caused due an RTA (road traffic accident) but I'm sure someone on here will have had similar to yourself & we're a helpful, friendly bunch.
If not & what might be helpful anyway, my profile gives details of Headway, an organisation set up t help people who have had head injuries so they almost definitely will.
Tc Emma & good luck Xxx
Hiya Emma, Me again, I was thinking it might be nice if U could write a bit about yourself in your profile & exactly what caused your head injury cos I'm sure you'll be asked & it's always nice t know the background of fellow sufferers ;o)
Cheers Xxx
Hi Emma,
Mine was caused by several bouts of by pneumonia and bronchitis when I was about two, and again when I was 38, and a road traffic accident (140 mph – landed on the wrong side of the motorway hitting cars coming the other way on – not my fault), oh and a minor accident in Judo when I was going for my black belt (unconscious for 35 minutes, but I was walking around talking to people, just have no re-collection of 35 minutes of my life. I was not thrown neither I just collapsed).
I have suffered headaches all my life, everyday, but thought it was normal. I went on Topiramate seven years ago, up to 200 mg about 18 months ago. I recently met a neurologist who suggested caffeine was suppressing the tablets from being fully effective. I cut caffeine out completely (tea, coffee, chocolate (white chocolate is OK)) on 15th September and I am now having up to 30% of days without a headache, and only get up to a severity of 8 now (0 to 10 scale with 10 being the worst). I am hopeful this will improve. The neurologist is aiming to have me up to 27 days a month headache free by Christmas.
I do not know how much caffeine affects your life, but it seems to be working for me so far. The neurologist reckons caffeine is one of the worst chemicals for headache suffers. The research dates back to the 1920s and affects many of the population, it is just not as well publicised for obvious reasons. I am allowed a decaffeinated drink occasionally (up to 5% caffeine in some brands, although EU directive does state 1%)
I hope that helps.
Hi Emma. Try looking for a Headway within your reach, and see what services they offer. Even if you just get into a befriending group, it will be great. Good luck!
Hi Emma,
Welcome. A TBI for my good self, but as has already been said, I'm sure you will find the right help and advice on here eventually. We're all good folk who have an understanding of what you're going through and are only too pleased to weigh in with a few words here and there.
Best wishes,
Hello Emma
Nowt to add to the good advice above but wanted to say hi there.
All best wishes
Foggy x
Welcome aboard
headway would be a good starting point as others have suggested.
Hi! I would recommend Headway groups as well. Good luck...