Well today is my 2 years since I was taken ill, and next thing I remember I was in Kings College Hospital and it was January 2013 not my local hospital . I'd had pneumonia in August 2012 and thought I'd recovered , but come October I was ill again , my husband came home from work and just knew I wasn't right so called an ambulance . It turns out the pneumonia I think had travelled to my brain and caused abscesses . From reading my notes I had several operations and loads of scans , then I had a shunt inserted . My life will never be the same again, I am restricted to what I can do . I applied for my notes as my husband still gets very emotional about this time as twice he was told I might not make it . But while in hospital on two separate occasions I had two seizures so had to give up my driving licence for a year , well its way past that year now so I've applied for it back and at the moment still waiting . I missed the first few months of my first grandsons life , but I'm making up for that now . I'm so lucky that my daughter and her fiancé trust me enough to look after him . I'm alive thank goodness, but my life as it was with me being a workaholic will never be the same . I read this site all the time , so I thought I'd share my experience with you . x
2 Years On: Well today is my 2 years since I was... - Headway
2 Years On

Thankyou I hope you can find some peace after reading your notes. I found it very hard to read things that were written. You have to remember that the doctors are just blunt in what they say for a reason!
Totally different experience to myself - mine was a head injury from an RTA (road traffic accident) but that are loads of people who have had similar experiences to yourself on this site.
Even though you'll life will never be the same, you have t stop thinking what if & I used to be able t do this & look to the future in a positive state of mind. Easier to say than do & It will be different to the one you had planned, but it can also be just as fulfilling, just different
Look at what U can do, not what U can no longer do...
Good luck anyway and I hope people who have had similar happen, show U the help & support that U need !!!
Thank you for your reply , it makes sense x