I found a private neuropsychologist who I like, he has lots of experience, but he is only board certified in psychology with a post doctorate certificate in neuropsychology. So he's not board certified in neuropsychology... Should i go with him or not???
Board Certified : I found a private... - Headway
Board Certified
Assuming he can still do what you need him to do? Then yes, if you like him.
Negeen really you are the only person who can decide this...Given what has happened so far and your quest for answers , you need to feel comfortable with your choice of neuropsych. You don't have to "like" him as such - he is going to be your neuropsych not your best friend, but if you don't trust the person whose opinion holds such importance to you/your life then it would be a rather pointless exercise seeking a second opinion from him.
I wonder have you consider what you will do next if the second opinion agrees with the previous opinion/s? Will you then be able to find a way to move on? Are you going to take up the CBT mentioned elsewhere? That could prove useful and certainly should not do any harm...
I was recommended for cognitive therapy. But not cognitive behavorial which is different. I am in therapy already but for other things. I will cross that bridge when i get to it. The problem with the last neuropsych was that I couldn't get an independent opinion because he was constantly seeking my neurologists opinion. Even my neurologist agreed that the last set of testing was botched because of that reason.
OOps sorry on the CT/CBT thing... I think I am going to stop commenting on your ongoing threads because it is getting way too complicated for my brain to process and I really cannot spend valuable and rather limited brain power trying to sort out the various components...but I wish you well and hope that you get the answers you seek
What can you lose? Try It and see where you get. At least you have ability to chose b recommendation as well as qualification.