Hi, I've done pretty well 'recovering' from most PCS symptoms. My health authority are in crisis management and lack many of the basic services. You can get, with an almighty fight, a neurology assessment and a neuropsychology assessment but that's it. There is absolutely nothing else, no sensory testing, no cognitive rehab, no physio or vestibular service, no psychological help whatsoever. The advice was to go online and find methods for free or pay to get private help.
I went private for some and cobbled together a rehab plan from many sources on youtube.
Recently I came across this book-
'The Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Workbook'. By Douglas J. Mason, PSYD.
It has basically everything I found and more in one place with explanations and exercises. From recognising symptoms, to recovering functions, improving memory and learning, increasing attention span and concentration and simple methods for dealing with anxiety.
Just had another flip through and it includes visuospatial processing, language communication sensory processing.
Basically it's got the lot and to be cynical it has everything you'd expect but can't get from the NHS. A hard fact to swallow for some but an absolutely true reality for most.