I suffered a hematoma 3 months ago after a vicious attack on a night out. It's the first time I've reached out for help but I am struggling with the psychological side of it all. Any little pain I feel I instantly hit the panic button. Also where my incision was is just a constant shooting pain like little lightning bolts. All of this is apparently normal but it's just difficult after being the outgoing person I was to the shy guy with no confidence I now am.
Acute subdural heamotoma recovery : I suffered a... - Headway
Acute subdural heamotoma recovery

Shooting pains (& often flashes of light) are apparently symptoms of the healing process. However, if you're feeling like you need some reassurance, you could phone the hospital and ask to speak to the ward sister, the specialist nurse or make an appointment to speak to the consultant responsible for your care.
Three months on is really early days in the recovery process and you may well experience certain unfamiliar sensations for quite a while, but do get it checked out if you're worried.
It's probably quite normal, but maybe you need to hear it from a professional & I'm sure they will be happy to listen to your concerns.
Good luck & best wishes, Cat.
Hello Cat,
Thank you very much. It has been a difficult 3 months. Trying to slowly break myself back into my normal routine. I feel I'm getting there but then all of a sudden I hit an all time low. I can deal with the pain it's the physiological side of it is where I'm tending to struggle. I know I'm by far over the worst it's just trying to get that into my head. It doesn't help that the people who have done this have got away with it.
Thanks for your time. It has really helped.
Yes it's tormenting to feel that those responsible for such a cruel impact on your life were able to just walk away.
My son was viciously attacked some years ago......kicked repeatedly in the head by four yobs whilst lying unconscious.
The police nabbed them at the scene but in court (adjourned) they smirked and shrugged then, whilst on bail, simply disappeared off the radar.
Have you had any counselling and/or physio ?
That's horrific. Very similar to my scenario. Still awaiting my counselling but I was told I didn't require physio. I feel when I finally have my counselling I won't be to far away from getting over it. It's just coming to terms with the change of lifestyle. I was playing football and very active and had a brilliant job. Now I can't do the things I love and I have had to step down from my role in the company to a less stressful role. If you don't mind me asking, did your son make a full recovery?
Yes, thank heavens, he did come through it better than I could ever have dreamed. His girlfriend tried to cradle his head to protect it from the kicking but she was pulled away and held and her description of the attack was harrowing. I suspect her presence saved him from worse injury in that it took two of them to restrain her, which probably caused a passer by to phone the police, and they arrived within minutes.
When I saw him in hospital he was drenched in blood, his head was split open
and he was barely conscious. Now he just has the visible scar but has otherwise recovered very well.
You probably will continue to improve as really, in terms of recovery, three months is still the early stages.
What's your story if you don't mind me asking ?............& is that a wedding photo taken somewhere exotic on your profile picture ?
That's good to hear. It's nice to hear stories when people have made a full recovery. It must of been horrific for your son and the family. My story: It was the night before my best mates wedding of which I was best man. We had a meal and went for a couple drinks. I was walking by a kebab house when I was jumped by 3 men and hit and kicked until I was unconscious. I have know recollection of the incident but my scarring and injuries show I was kicked in the head. The hardest part was missing my best man duties. Which made it a 100 times worse. The picture is from our wedding day in Lindos, Rhodes just over a year ago.
It makes me so angry how such mindless, random acts of violence can cause such disruption in people's lives and the perpetrators are free to just walk away. I'm so sorry you were deprived of your 'best man' duties......events like these are significant milestones in our friendships........such a shame.
But now I hope you are looking forward again as your healing progresses and you continue to build a good life with your lovely wife.
I hope your counselling appt. comes through soon. Please accept my best wishes and do keep in touch.
Cat x
Hi, what happened to you also happened to me. Its hard to deal with at first but will ease in time. My attacker also got away with it or should I say the original charge was ABH but was lowered to common assault and the only witness was the attackers sister so I didn't stand a chance. It took time for my brain injury to be diagnosed and by then it was to late, my hematoma had leaked into the brain and I had lots of problems.
Please believe me when I agree with Cat, its very early days, what happened to you may never go away but it will get easier with time.
Hi liblob,
Thank you for your kind words. The witnesses I had was the attackers themselves and I couldn't remember anything. So I had no chance. I think it's coming to terms with the whole recovery time, it could take up to a year for a full recovery I've been told. I'am really sorry to hear about your condition. It must of been very hard for you. It may sound strange but it makes things easier when you can talk to people that have been through a similar thing.

Hi nsheehan63,
Thank you for your post, and I am very sorry to hear of the attack and subsequent issues you are experiencing.
The advice of our members is excellent and I am glad you have been referred to counselling. Can I also suggest you contact our helpline on 0808 800 2244 or helpline@headway.org.uk to talk things through? They can explain how our charity can support you and send information to help you understand your brain injury.
Best wishes,