Mum collapsed 6 days ago and had a seizure. She had a SAH. Shes now in icu and hasn't woken up since. Shes had a coil fitted but the pressure in mums head was too high and she was continually having seizures. They took mum back to theatre to have a drain put in which has thankfully relieved the pressure. They have also finally found meds that are controlling the seizures. They tookmum off sedation and have our fingers crossed she will come round soon. I just want my mum back. Massive hugs to everyone who has been through this because its the most heart breaking time.
My mum: Mum collapsed 6 days ago and had a seizure... - Headway
My mum

Hi katy....I'm really sorry to hear about your mum, and for what you and your family are going through at present.
I had a sah 21 months ago and, whereas I knew very little about it 'til the worst was over, my son and daughter were 'beside themselves' with shock and fear, as were the rest of my family.
But the chances are that your mum will be one of the many (like me) who responds well to treatment and is returned to you safely and in one piece, albeit with residual problems........such as fatigue, headaches & impaired short term memory. It's too early to speculate on how your mum will be affected, but hope is everything at this time, and I sincerely hope she surprises I did my family.
I'm told there were 'ups and downs' in my recovery which is quite usual in head trauma be prepared for any, but hang on to your hope and try to be very patient.
Please keep us updated on your mum's progress, katy.
My thoughts are with you. Love Cat xx
I had a very similar experience in January and had a permanent shunt fitted in February to control the excess fluid on the brain. I was in hospital for six weeks but even now have very little memory of what was happening. My daughter sat and talked to me while I was in the induced coma which I think helped me come round. There were set backs in the recovery and everyone's recovery is different but the hospitals and staff give excellent care including physio before being discharged.
I know it must be very worrying for you but I'm sure your mum will recover well, she'll need your support as it does take longer than you'd think. The Stoke Association came to visit me regularly when I got out of hospital which I found very helpful. I'm back at work now though on reduced hours, so you do get your life back, it just takes time and you have to adapt to some differences.
Best wishes to you and your family, keep your chin up.
Hi, thankyou cat3 and brainwave for your replies. Hearing that ups and downs are normal has made me feel a little more able to cope when things don't go as we hoped.
I was worried about the drain at first but theres so many things we can get caught up in thinking about its exhausting, so I'm trying not to worry about things that aren't happening yet.
It's good to know that there's support for mum when she gets out of hospital, we just want her too make it through and we'll deal with whatever comes after that as a family. We are on day 7 since mum collapsed. Shes been off sedative for 2 days and showed no real signs of waking up. We go to the hospital every day to see mum, we talk to her and hold her hand. Its like someones pressed a pause button on our lives. Fingers crossed she wakes up soon x x
As mentioned earlier, I was completely 'out of it' for about three weeks but I'm told there were some scary moments during the first ten days with aphasia, hydrocephalus and haemorrhaging from my constantly pulling out my tubes, so my family were probably just about where you are right now.
It's all so alien and shocking when you see a loved one in such a poorly state and surrounded by all the technical apparatus, but hopefully it will all soon take on a more reassuring and comforting appearance when the signs of improvement appear.
Recovery from a haemorrhage & coiling is very gradual, so much so, that you may think nothing's changed but I hope your patience will be rewarded very soon with some small noticeable signs.
Take care of yourself's easy to neglect oneself at such a time. Please keep us updated when you can. Love Cat xx
Katy I had my brain bleed in April of 2013. I also had a SAH stroke. When I was in the hospital I could not walk by myself but I am getting stronger each day prayers to you and your family and I will keep your mum in my prayers that each day is better!
Hugs- Niyani
Hi thanks Niyani,
It really does give me some hope to hear how all you strong people are getting through the otherside with this and so positive sbout recovery.
Mums had a trachy fitted so she can breather more comfortably. Shes really fiesty with her right arm and leg flailing aroundand eyes opening a lot but its not in response to anything at the moment. I dont think mums even aware we are thete most of the time. Its reslly upsetting but small things help like shes having the drain removed tomorrow so her head pressures ok again.
Thanks again everyone x x