Anyone know about neuro-physiotherapy for 'medical vertigo'? Any responses appreciated, with thanks.
Anyone know about neuro-physiotherapy for 'medical vertigo'? Any responses appreciated, with thanks.
If this is same as BPPV see my answer to other post Janet
It is that so-called Vertigo, and many of us will not understand, not having had the 'classic movie' experience of Hitchcock., For those most of us it is a more real - technical, medical experience. Look up 'vestibula/vestibular' on your browser. It is fascinating. Does in no way diminish the experience one undertakes with the awful - and real - injury/injuries. BPPV is a blight on an otherwise calmer existence. We learn the techniques to deal with it, no matter how angrily. Do not ever, though, think of 'be-devilment'. Just another gauntlet to run with, another hoop of fire. We emerge where others don't/won't/can't.
I have balance problems due to a severe TBI fractured skull clot and craniotomy plus plus (not expected to survive) no one has ever mentioned any therapy of any sort, when I have asked for help the neurologist said to me, his exact words 'What do you expect me to do!'
my condition is getting worse but where do I go from here who else can I ask?
I've had BPV for around 35 years and have seen various physicians during that time, to no avail unfortunately. My GP performed the Epley manoeuvre 2-3 times with no significant success but after starting on Paroxetine and also Stemetil approx.15 years ago, the symptoms have greatly reduced in both frequency and severity.
The symptoms reappeared after my SAH when the Paroxetine was stopped in hospital.
But on discharge, I consulted my GP who reinstated them and the symptoms were relieved once again. I only use the Stemetil when dizziness is severe as I'm told they're more effective in moderation.
So for me it's been years of 'trial & error' which is probably the case with many.
Good luck with this Gisela; vertigo is a horrible condition and I hope you can find your particular formula to ease your symptoms.
Regards, Cat
Hi Cat,
I was prescribed Paroxetine over hear for my nervous breakdown last May> the new doc in December put me on Fluoxetine for Depression and nowhas put me on dichlorhydrate Betahistine for my balance which deteriorated suddenly during December early Jan and restarted Kardegic daily which old doc had stopped in September.. I have to takeThyroxin daily (8 yrs now) and really hate having to take tablets. The french love prescribing for anything and everything but if nothing changes would only have myself to blame I guess if I didn't take what I'm prescribed even if still having neural/neurological repercussions from BI.
To resolve my BPPV, I had the Epley manoeuvre applied 4-5 times before it worked. It was only in the later attempts they gave me the additional advice slip which told me to sleep upright for the first few nights. Worked a treat after that.
In terms of treatment I guess it will depend on what the underlying cause is. I had a "balance assessment" at my local hospital which was really good and dismissed any problems with my ears and eyes which could have contributed to my balance problems.
Yes, this is the best course for determining the appropriate treatment. My BPPV is the result of severe erosion of the cervix which showed up on a neck ex-ray after an attack of viral meningitis.
However, stemetil has worked well for me, and my friend who suffers from vertigo caused by meniers disease swears by it also.