Great article on the BBC about the clenching of fist when trying to recall words and remember them. I did this naturally when I lost my words after SAH & Stroke I would continually clench both fists whilst trying to try to dig out the right word from brain. I had no idea that the clenching of fist was helping my brain retrieve the words. But clearly it did as I can speak fluently again and write again! It felt like a physical process due to 'white knuckle' action in my hands everytime I spoke, I felt like I was physically digging the words of treacle in my brain. I actually went to the Doctor as i was getting a pain in my back due to continual clenching!
Funny that now i have retrieve most of the words and a speak fluently againI don't do it anymore. Amazing to think your body knows what to do if we don't! But grateful for the explanation from this recent research.