..someone says so what happens to you if you do eat gluten then?
What do you say when...?: ..someone... - Gluten Free Guerr...
What do you say when...?

Hi Fiona, you've been quiet recently, so I hope that you've been OK?
I tell people the truth without going into graphic details, in that gluten is toxic to me and makes my immune system attack my body and gives me a very upset stomach with mild fever and a head ache a bit like gastric flu to them.

Keep the comments coming. Yes muddling on Jerry - 50 hr work weeks just getting in the way of work/ life + blogging. But I'm sure I'll be blogging about the lovely sigmoidoscopy on Friday ! A real treat before Xmas - not.
Hi Fiona, at least it will be over before Christmas and don't forget to ask about a strong local anaesthetic to knock you out which should minimise the stress.
I thought that you had a procedure around Aug/Sept or was than an upper one, I'm also a bit confused as to why they are giving you a sigmoidoscopy rather than a full on colonoscopy. My specialist called them upper and lower endoscopies. At least you don't have to have an enema.
Good luck on Friday.

Quite Jerry. Yes it seems that bleeding from the back passage is not an urgent matter in my hospital. Nor is talking to patients like adults. Instead it's all 'an ickle bit of medicine up your bum and a tiny weeny camera scopy'. So yes I'll be asking for mucho drugs '..well if you are anxious then you can be sed-a-ted' as I was told..honestly the mind boggles. Let's put it this way. After 2 endos + a camera pill there won't be any more cameras in any more orifices after this one. I often wonder what medical training certain 'nurses' who manage the coeliac clinic have had...
Anyhow 'nuff about me - what about the question.
I am truthful with people as they often think its just going to give me a bit of stomach ache ( I wish!!!)....depending who they are depends on how many graphic details I give to them. They need to know how ill it can make me..and if its an ''essential'' person like my coach at the gym then I told him that it can make me faint or have difficulties breathing. Its unlikely to happen in the gym but you never know. I also wear a medi band that arouses curiosity in people and I have found this to be a great conversation opener. I recently learned that some rehydration drips given to people in A and E here have starch based products in them and it gives me the heeby jeebies thinking about the harm they could do unaware I am coeliac in an emergency. I am very sensitive to glutens.
Sadly I have found that people who are not well known to me will deliberately spike my food at parties/gatherings to watch my reaction....
That's awful. Its amazing how dumb some people can be.
I do find there are a percentage of people who simply refuse to believe in CD or food allergies. They put it down to a lifestyle choice or just being fussy. I have learned to ignore them as the majority of people are sensitive and make an effort.
My brother in law is a respected scientist and he came out with some claptrap recently about there not being any medical proof of intolerances.... <sigh>
I usually describe it as 'flu' without the snot with an extra dose of diarrhoea and IBS.
Most people seem to get it then!